various commenters #transphobia #interphobia
Trump Can Ban Transgender Birth Certificates
( Eava )
I think they're on weak constitutional grounds to think the federal government can impose this in the states. It's funny to see the WSJ pushing federal supremacy, they're usually anti-federal power and pro-state's rights.
"True intersex conditions, which result in genitalia that appear ambiguous or mixed, affect less than 0.02% of the population." Does he not consider CAIS an intersex condition? The genitalia is not ambiguous at all. He's wrong that definitions aren't needed. You can't pass a law categorizing all people when you know there are people who fall outside your definition. It doesn't help to create a definition where people with DSDs end up in the wrong categories. It might be necessary to have a list of DSDs and whether individuals with those conditions are male or female, and there has to be a process to correct birth certificates for people with DSDs.
( SatanicPanic )
People with DSDs are still male or female. There is no third sex or "in between".
( Eava )
So what is someone with CAIS or someone with Swyer? My point is there is a subset of DSDs where the "developmental pathway" criteria doesn't really work either.
( amethyst_sky )
Both DSDs you listed are males. The presence of the Y chromosome, regardless of it being active or not, means a person is a male.
Chromosomes are the instructions for what development pathway your body was supposed to go down, regardless of whether or not it did. A Y chromosome means a person is a male.
There is no such thing as a DSD that sits completely “in the middle”. All people w DSDs are still male or female.
( VirginiaWolfberry )
You must be relieved that the EO was rooted in biology in regards to DSDs, then.