various commenters #transphobia
Federal employees told to remove pronouns from email signatures by end of day - ABC News
( littleowl12 )
I wonder how many people are relieved. "Thank god I can just blame it on Trump and I don't have to do this anymore. Can we abolish lanyards next?"
( NastasyaFillipovna )
And that's how he won the election. Just because someone was banned from talking, didn't mean they stop existing
( Lipsy )
Reddit supermods discovering their ban hammer doesn't extend to the ballot box: C:\Desktop\memes\shocked_pikachu.jpg
( Lillith )
I'm getting whiplash from how quickly this is happening.
( LunarMoose )
just saw a clip of my representative crying about what is happening.
sigh. This is all great, but the fight to convince the TRA's will take....time
( Lillith )
Well they didn't wait to convince everyone else before they shoved it down our throats. Turnabout is fair play.
( sensusquaeram )
Well, scream in people's faces for x years about horrible research, non-science, and "cis privilege," then stalk, dox, and harass them, get them fired, halt the actual research and publications they're working on, and also show up to literally punch them, thrown shit on them, and threaten them in public, all while grooming kids for horrendous surgeries and lifelong medicalization and invading women's bathrooms, changing rooms, and shelters, having already endangered LGB gains while conflating fetishism with orientation . . . and empathy is likely to become a little . . . uh . . . scant.
( Tallemaja )
It's about time something went in our favor. I just hope the ball keeps rolling.
( Pas_Une_Parisienne )
The mandate is the latest effort in the Trump administration's push to end DEI.
Said by the people who imperiled DEI by making it mean including males in women's reserved places !
( PinkPeoniesInTheRain )
The timing sucks -- and is likely deliberate, as others have suggested, to distract from actual important stuff -- but I'm happy to hear this. SO tired of all the pronoun shit.