Transcended Trucel #racist #crackpot

RE: Why are arabs so low iq

(Transcended Trucel)

The retards are giving away free oil for $ which is just worthless paper or numbers typed into a calculator. So real resources are being given away for useless paper. Before it was gold which is more fair. Also arabs can't make their own infrastructure, they had to hire a white guy to make cities like dubai. They also licking chinas ass and not giving a fuck about muslims being killed in china. They can't make their own infrastructure so they have to get china to do it for them.

It's cause arabs are lazy inbred retards

But ultimately it has to do with them being basically banana republics, corrupt(religiously) and distrustful of everyone even eachother, and have no reason to exist as they do now.

This arabs only hire family members. Nepotism there is extreme. The upper class are lazy faggot degenerates, many fuck trannies in thailand, have scat fetish and are druggies. They also have more than 4 wives and just swap marriages over and over.

Because we are mixed with niggers.

Arabs imported too many slaves

Most civilizations that developed below 45th parallel are low IQ. Must be too much sun.

Seems sun light is evil



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