various commenters #transphobia

Everyone experiences misogyny, especially men

( IntuitiveStains )
This is the end game. Whether intentionally or not, they're disassembling all of the valuable concepts and institutions that affect and protect women. Yes, get rid of sex segregated spaces. Yes, invade the sport brackets of women. Most importantly, though, is to disassemble the notion that it's even possible to hate women for being women. Yes, do that, and you can hate women all you want, consequence-free.

( notsofreshfeeling )
The world's best male trolls could not have come up with a more delightfully sinister anti-SJW, anti-feminism, anti-woman tactic than transgenderism. This is a men's rights movement that has coopted any and all slogans, insights, rationales, aesthetics of any and all liberation movements around identity (race, sex, sexual orientation, ableism, agism, fatphobia, intersex, you name it) in order to center men. And they managed it all with language. It's absolutely brilliant.

( furyosa )
The brilliance of the tactic only works because it plays into the fact that the majority of minds are already deeply marinated in male supremacy and misogyny to begin with. If our global culture actually had gained any collective progress regarding not hating women and not pedestaling men (regardless how they identify) from previous feminist work, this tactic would never have worked as well as it evidently does. It works like DARVO. You get to feel like you're fighting for justice for the apparent "victim" while not having to challenge your core programmed misogyny. It's a winning strategy in terms of mental energy preservation for everyone from MRAs to libfems.

( SakuraBlossoms )

being perceived as a man and having expectations of masculinity imposed on them is a violence committed against trans women [sic]

A man being perceived as a man is misogyny. A man being expected to match male sex stereotypes because he's male is misogyny.

( aello )
How can they "boy mode" if they don't benefit from male privilege? They "boy mode" to avoid harassment and be respected at work.

TIMs (and TIFs, too) are a toxic byproduct of misogyny. The only reason trans is a thing at all is because of imposed sex roles, born out of man's eternal hatred of woman.



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