various commenters #transphobia
( FemmeEtal )
Like Helen Joyce has said, the parents will be the last ones holding out worldwide. They can’t stop pushing because if they do, even for a moment, the reality that they destroyed their child because they fell for something completely stupid and illogical, will come down upon them like a ton of bricks.
I had a lady at work yesterday who’s transing her 12 year old daughter. I about bit my tongue off trying to stay quiet, and still couldn’t. I managed to say that testosterone was incredibly dangerous for females. Then she went on to assure me the doctor tells them all the potential side effects so they’re informed. ??? WTF… are you not listening??
( OnlyHuman )
Being aware of the side effects means they will never happen, somehow
( FemmeEtal )
Exactly, and survivorship bias. “No medication a doctor prescribed has ever collapsed my endocrine system so this one won’t! Even though that’s the MOA!”
The conversation started because she was complaining that the hospital called to say they need to change treatment because of the EO. (I had to poker face my relief) Then went on to say they were just going to finagle some work around loophole so the prescription can be filled elsewhere
( legopants )
The biggest cosplay of a civil rights movement to date.
( Ladylucy )
The problem is that there is no evidence based trans healthcare. There have been zero long term, controlled studies on the use of puberty blockers or cross sex hormones in children. Sorry, TRAs.
( solitaire )
The crazy thing is Queensland is one of the more conservative parts of Australia, but there’s still clearly a lot of people there that have drunk the gender ideology Kool-Aid.