Rev. Joel Webbon #sexist #elitist #fundie

While Webbon does not think that women should have the right to vote, he explained during a recent podcast that he currently allow his own wife to vote so that she can "concede" her rights back to him by casting her vote in accordance "with the decision that I make for our family"[…]
"If we ever got to the point where it was on the docket and it was something, ironically, that America was voting for—voting to take away the vote of women—me and my wife would both vote on principle, with conviction to take away her vote," Webbon said. "I believe in representative government at every single level all the way down to the household. It doesn't go down to the individual; it stops at the household"[…]
Webbon said that if he votes and his wife doesn't, then his household is losing half its vote and so "in prudence" he allows his wife to vote to ensure that he gets his "full household vote"

"We currently live in a wicked time with wicked rulers who are dominated by feminism and hate men," Webbon declared[…]
In an effort to assure women that he is not just "picking on them," Webbon added that unmarried men, men without children, and men who do not own property should also be stripped of the right to vote

"We should repeal the 19th Amendment because we love God and because we love women," Webbon said. "But beyond that, it's really more than just that. Universal suffrage is not God's design, so there's a lot of men who shouldn't be voting either"

"You need to be a head of household," he stated. "You need to have a stake in the country as it presently lies, but also a stake in the future. That's why marriage is important because it indicates child-bearing, these kinds of things, future generations. A stake in the country also in terms of ownership; land owning males"[…]
"Leaders should vote and God has given it to men to be leaders, and certain men have abdicated that leadership and therefore they should not have the right to vote either"



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