Matthew Vines: Do you accept that sexual orientation is highly resistant to attempts to change it?
James White: As is pedophilia, bestiality, desires toward incest, serial adultery, all sorts of forms of fornication, addiction to pornography, kleptomania, inveterate rage and anger, and addiction to gossip. “But such WERE some of you….”
Yes those are difficult to impossible to change but those are partly criminal and all bad for you. Instead homosexuality is not in any way shape or form bad for you if it weren’t for the stupid fundies.
What about the need to lie for Jesus and being wholly ignorant of the real world. I see that it didn’t make the list while it is even worse in some cases than you other examples
Once again, a fundie does not seem to understand the difference between homosexuality (consenting adults) and pedophilia, bestialty, etc. (non-consensual). In other news, water is wet.
Also, did you honestly compare gossiping of all things to pedophilia?
Yes, you can argue, that some of these things technically function on the same level, and might be innate and unchangeable. If “conversion therapy” would work, it could actually be used for good, because it then would also work on pedophilia/zoophilia/etc.
The fact that these two don’t understand why, despite technically being the same kind of thing, homo- and heterosexuality are acceptable, while zoo- and pedophilia aren’t, is quite telling, inhowfar they understand the concept of “informed consent”…
@Timjer #112805
When some people rag on gossip they usually mean *malicious* gossip. Which is definitely bad, particularly in small/insular communities where reputation matters a great deal. Even if the gossip is later proven completely false, there is a subtle bias where the negative associations created by the rumors cling to people for a very long time like a pernicious stench. A lot of people will make the subconscious association where if the negative rumors were believable despite being false, then it must be because the person in question is someone who *would* do similar bad things. Meanwhile the original rumor-spreader(s), if they can even be identified, don’t typically suffer any real consequence unless they mess up so badly that it’s very clear that they have a malicious agenda.
And unfortunately, clinical narcissists who tear down others for their own benefit, reckless shit-stirrers, and pathological liars exist. So while gossip is not bad per se (it helps people keep up on what’s going on in their community or social environment) anything one hears really should be taken with a grain of salt. This isn’t quite the “arson, murder, jaywalking” situation it might initially sound like, even if it’s rarely as serious as the other things.
There’s a difference between homosexuality and other practices you listed: unlike the latter, the former doesn’t harm anyone.
@Zinnia #112868
Not limited to insular or traditional communities: just look at the vicious reality of online bullying, or some are still accused of bad acts even though they had been proven innocent.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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