John F. Kennedy via Erena Velazquez #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy #wingnut
Good Morning America and the World,
I am John F. Kennedy, the president of United States, happy to connect to my fellow Americans and the World. I was assassinated in 1963. I had a plan to disclose the truth to public about Secret Space Program and other hidden truths.
You are living in important historical times for planet Earth. It’s on the way to becoming free from worldwide control, which was imposed by Elite a long time ago. Every step of your existence has been based on lies and limitations. It was created a fake and dishonest world for humankind, where everyone lost their independence as human being.
The system is falling down, as it has cracks everywhere. Finally, humanity started to notice dirty ordeals. Each day more truth surfaces and reaches out to the ones, who are ready to accept it. There were made many plans and speculations, how humanity will transition to New Earth. Most of predictions became outdated and never came to fruitions. The expected changes already started to occur, not by the time all of you were expecting.
Please, don’t waste your energies on questioning, why the process is so slow. Remember, it took billions of years to make this planet so negative and dreadful place to live. The transformation will become more transcended and visible in upcoming months.
Just focus on you, continue to help to raise the Collective Consciousness and spread positive energies everywhere you go. Right now, Mother Earth constantly is bombarded by high vibrations coming from Cosmos. Your input is very important and essential to this planet. Each of you volunteered to be here and see through this process of liberation and moving to the next step of human evolution. Thank you Universal Channel.
Please accept my Love and Respect.
John F. Kennedy