• Despite centuries of exhaustive research, the theory of evolution still hasn't provided a satisfactory explanation for the origin of intelligence, language and laws of nature. Let alone, how they are related;
What do you mean? I don't know all the details, but evolution can easily explain the origins of language and intelligence. Intelligence arises from complex-enough brains, more or less. In some species, natural selection favors organisms that are smarter, so those with smarter brains survive better, reproduce more, and so on. For language, it's the same, just natural selection favoring the brain structures related to communication getting more complex.
You're right that evolution can't explain why there are laws of nature. Though evolution was never intended as an explanation of that, so that doesn't really mean all that much. I don't know if it's possible to explain why there are laws of nature, actually. Well, I mean, sure you guys have "God did it", but that's not very satisfying. Where did God come from? How does he work without following natural laws? Or maybe supernatural laws?
Speaking of explanations, perhaps you could explain what, if anything, this is supposed to mean:
Being based on Natural Laws of Intelligence embedded in Grammar, only Thinknowlogy implements the intelligent function of words like definite article “the”, conjunction “or”, possessive verb “has/have” and past tense verbs “was/were” and “had”. Other Controlled Natural Language (CNL) reasoners are limited to sentences with present tense verb “is/are”. They don't accept the words mentioned above.