
Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

[The burden of proof is on the Christian to prove God, not the skeptic to disprove him]

If a man writes a book about history, do you know why it's called libel to accuse him of lying with no proof of your claims? Three guesses and the first 2 don't count.

If a prosecutor presents facts and evidence against a defendant, do you know why, "I didn't do it" by the defendant just doesn't cut it? Three guesses and the first 2 don't count.

So when we present proof that the world is round to a blindman, what do you propose we do if he can't see it? Claim it doesn't exist? Sorry friend, but you really need to think things through a lot more deeply.

Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

The fact that atheists are terrified of the word sin is as much proof of God as the fact that atheists curse Christ is. The reason for that is that the word "sin" implies guilt and judgment. Otherwise there is no reason for atheists to avoid the word like the plague.

But since atheists are very predictable, they'll either claim that they have no problem with the word "sin", even though they've made these comments about the word:

1) The word sin is a Christian concept
2) There's no such thing as sin
3) Prove that sin exists

or they'll claim that by admitting they sin, that is admitting they believe in God. But they have no problem saying any other word in Christianity. So either way, they avoid the word because they feel judged by it. And rightly so because they are being judged by God which is why they avoid the word. And if you avoid it because you don't believe in sin, then why can you use the word "zeus" when you don't believe in zeus?

So your fear of the word is very telling indeed. But I got news for you; word games don't make God go away, nor do they make you any less guilty. But the avoidance of the word "sin" is what proves that you know that God exists.

But to try to win the argument, you might admit you sin. If so, then what do you do with your sins? Do you keep on justifying them? If so, then why do you think there should be no hell? Or do you ask for forgiveness for them? If so, who can take them away from you? Oh some people might not hold your sins against you, but how can they make them go away?

carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org


I've had it with people telling me I'm nuts for believing that humans breed humans, apes breed apes, monkeys, breed monkeys, and so on. If evolutionists seriously don't know that each species breeds its own kind and animals can't breed humans, then I have no more wish to be around such ludicrousy.

This category can only be described as the Twighlight zone if evolutionists seriously don't know that each species breeds it's own kind. If they're that confused then they need to go to a zoo or a farm and get educated. Otherwise it's a waste of time listening to such hogwash. They can live in their own fantasyland where zebras can turn into humans, humans can turn into tube worms and monkeys can turn into humans for all I care. If evolutionists are this irrational, then there's nothing that anyone can do for them

supersport #racist christiandiscussionforums.org

I don't defend what happened to the Indians...then again I don't think anyone knows the full story. If the indians didn't want to get shot they should have got the heck out of there and migrated northward or westward....or maybe head down to Mexco and set their teepees up there. (that's what I would have done.)

Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

A thread in which our beloved Carico stumbles from one disastrous misconception to another:

"...what caused the order of the universe, the position of the sun that just happens to give the appropriate amount of heat and light to the earth for life to exist, the moon & stars that "just happen" to be in the right path of the sun to reflect light to the earth at night?"


"Do you understand that if the sun were one fraction of a centimeter closer to or farther from the earth, that life cloudn't surive on earth?"

And later, after being challenged on it:

"That's hogwash. All you have to do is ask any scientist what would happen if the sun were a fraction of a centimeter closer to or farther from the earth. Even people with common sense would know what would happen."

Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Since all of the books that atheists believe were written by fallible human beings, then they're the last people to criticize Christians for believing the bible.

The fact that atheists have to scrutinize the bible to find what they claim are errors, nor can they prove that the events didn't happen the way the bible claims they did, speaks volumes for the authenticity of the bible! But the science books that are updated every decade prove that scientists have no clue what the truth is. So the one thing that can be counted on by scientists, is that their textbooks will be corrected as long as the world continues. But the bible remains as true today as it was when it was written. So since atheists are putting their faith in people who admit they don't have the truth, then they are in no position to criticize those who believe the bible.

Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Well it looks like scientists have discarded the Big Bang and replaced it with the theory that the earth was formed by the attraction of molecular dust by gravity. According to the science channel, this dust apparently came from the stars. Never mind that they don't explain how the stars or gravity got there, they have simply put them there.

And get this: They explained how water got on the earth by the bombardment of asteriods! And yet they tell us at the same time, that asteroids colliding with the earth will destroy the earth.

So once again, not only have scientists discarded their old theories and replaced them with new ones which happens every generation, but they have contradicted themselves in the process. So those who put their faith in scientists are putting their faith in shifting sand.

Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

After an OP in which she claimed that the big bang formed the earth, and being told she was mistaken:

"False. The Big Bang claims that energy can be converted into mass and that's how the earth was formed. And since explosions can't come from nothing, then the Big Bang can't explain the formation of the universe. Sorry."

Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

"how can a human inherit traits from ants, elephants, giraffes or monkeys when we cannot produce offspring with them? How do those animal genes get inside humans? How do those animal genes create humans genes?

Do evolutionists know why humans don't produce children with wings? If not, then I'll explain it. Because humans don't have the genes for wings or our children would have wings! The only way humans could have the gene for wings is if they were capable of producing offspring with creatures who do have wings. That's the only way. Claiming that human genes can simply turn into bird genes because of the weather or pressure changes, or whatever has not been documented in reality anywhere. And it also throws out the fact that genes are inherited, not simply manufactured.

If traits aren't inherited but simply change, then why don't humans produce children with wings, or beaks? And why have humans always been called humans instead of a different species?"

Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

"Sorry but scientists have just shown that mice DNA is more similar to humans than human DNA. So would evolutionists then declare that humans came from mice? Probably. That's because most people can't think for themselves and are confused about reality. That's why they believe anything scientists say."

Supersport #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

hey....homosexual behavior was illegal until just a few years ago. I'm not the only who feels such revolting behavior should be outlawed and/or left in the closet. And if the homos were all jailed back in the 80s they wouldn't have spread AIDS all over the place with their sexually promiscuous ways and killed/infected millions of people. We'd have much less of a problem today.

Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

I jsut saw a documentary on the beginning of civilization which was in Mesopotamia. The Sumerians passed on stories of a global flood that was survived only by one family. They pased that along thousands of years before the Torah was written down.

But no mention of their cavemen ancestors. None. No mention of dinosaurs. None. No mention of any of their ancestors being more ape-like than their current generations. None. No writings of anyone describing cavemen, nor pictures of cavemen. None. No evidence anywhere of "homonids", or neanderthals. None.

Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Since evolutionists here have shown they have no clue what I meant by ancient peoples knowing their ancestors, then I'll be more specific: If evolution is correct, then there had to be a first modern-day human. So, why didn't this first modern-day human describe his part-ape, part-human parents and grandparents? Why were they and their ancestors dropped from the memory of modern-day humans and from history?

One would think that the transition from ape to human would have been a monumetal event in human history, particularly since it hasn't happened at any other time in history. Yet no record of this happening.

Yet all peoples talk about their ancestors which is why we know about history...except these part-ape, part humans. So why do evolutionists think that is? Or are they just going to make up new stories again?

supersport #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

"it's the baking and the SUGAR and the carbohydrates that are causing this morphological change. Shrinking brains/heads is a degenerative trait brought on by a variety of destructive habits. Human morphology has little/nothing to do with with selection.....and I suggest it started changing once the Neanderthals settled down, formed communities, and started farming, baking, and eating bread products/deserts/sweets as opposed to eating mostly wild game -- which is low in sugar and carbs.

This destroys the concept of human evolution. Neanderthals were simply human beings -- their traits of larger/different-shaped heads had NOTHING to do with being "primitive" as the racisit evolutionists claim."

Jonathan T H #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Ding Dong Da-Darwin's dead...Darwin's Dead, Darwin's Dead Ding Dong, Darwin, Darwin's dead! Wake up - sleepy head, rub your eyes, get out of bed.
Wake up, Evolution's dead. She's gone where the monkeys go,
Below - below - below. Yo-ho, let's open up and sing and ring the bells out.
Ding Dong' the merry-oh, sing it high, sing it low.
Let them know
Evolution's dead!

As Judge Jones of the Kansas, In the County of the Land of ID, I welcome you most regally.
But we've got to verify it legally, to see
To see?
If she
If she?
YECS Is morally, ethic'lly
Evolution No.1
Spiritually, physically
Evolution No. 2
Positively, absolutely
Undeniably and reliably Dead
Dr. Sarfati!
As Sarfati I must aver, I thoroughly examined her.
And she's not only merely dead, she's really most sincerely dead.
Then this is a day of Independence For all the Evolutionists and their descendants
If any.
Yes, let the joyous news be spread The wicked Evolution at last is dead!

supersport #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Atheists have successfully hoodwinked a large segment of society. This has been done under the guize of science. Evolutionary science's main goal in the past 100 years has not only been to divert people away from God, but to divert people away from their own common sense. This has been done for purely political reasons. This group of mental terrorists have no desire to uncover the truth. Their main goal has always been to justify their atheist existence and to mold and shape society as they see fit...(ie...soicalism, communism.)

But the problem is, their "science" goes against every drop of common sense...starting with something called the Law of Biogenesis. This law states two things: 1) that living things must come from other living things. 2) that living things can only produce other living things like themselves.

Thus, to get a cat, there must be a living thing giving birth to that cat. And not only that, but that living thing, by law, cannot be a chicken or a dog. It must be a cat. To get a starfish, there must first be a starfish (or two). To get a snail, there must first be snails. To get a human there must first be humans. And no one has proven otherwise. Yet evolutionists like to say that this is not case. In fact, to them, this law must have been broken millions of times over the course of history. Of course it's opinions like these which are the consequence of them permenantly living in fairytale land.

But it gets worse for the atheist. The first law states that only living things can come from other living things. This means the theory of atheistic evolution is false because at some point, life would have had to emerge from something non-living. But until someone can make life starting from scratch...(ie...no DNA, no proteins, no nucleotides, no RNA, etc)...nothing but the elements on the periodic table, then you guys have absolutely no authority to claim anything. You have no authority to claim that intelligence came from non-intelligence. You have no authority to claim that an intelligent code did not come from an intelligent sender. You have no authority to claim that the human mind was not the result of intelligent thought. And you certainly have no authority to claim that humans came from monkeys.

All evolutionist scientists/authors have got is the authority to crown themselves as the kings of mythological fiction-writing. And that's all the theory of evolution is: A big, fat, impossible myth based on a fraud premise that's not backed up by even one shred of evidence. The only real evidence they have going for them is the fact that most atheist scientists agree with -- and promote -- the giant atheist propaganda machine otherwise known as ToE.

Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

I realize that atheists think they're so clever and intelligent in their responses to the bible. But they are no different than they've been since the creation of man. In fact, they are so predictable that even the bible addresses them in Romans 1:18-31, 1 Peter 4:3-5, and Psalms 36:1, which describes atheists perfectly. So as Solomon says in Ecclesiastes, there is nothing new under the sun.

So since atheists have zero facts to present to defend their position that Jesus is not the Son of God, but only attacks, denials, and ignorance of history, then they have nothing new to teach us. Absolutely nothing. So all that's left in their responses are schoolyard attacks and denials that don't belong in any debate, much less an intelligent debate.

So if you want to be taken seriously, atheists, then you need to get educated about history and elementary principles of right and wrong because verbal volleyball doesn't prove anything except one's maturity level. So that's the first elementary principle you need to understand before even thinking you can refute the bible.

lesley #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Tolerance is an immature almost cowardly response.
There is no love in tolerance
and no hate either
Tolerance is the slippery slope that opens the door to all manner of things
that the tolerant dont really want
but immaturely hadnt realised would automatically follow.

Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

More ad hominem lunacy from fundie legend Carico:

The lies that atheists have to tell to deny Jesus is Lord are never-ending. Here are only a few of them:

1) Something different happened in Jerusalem during the time of Christ other than Jesus's preaching, miracles, death, and resurrection, although they never say what and if they did, can't verify their versions with anyone in history.
2) Changing Jewish history at any point they want to. Unfortunately, that history will differ according to each atheist, nor can it be verified by anyone in history.
3) Claiming that Jesus's words were made up with no proof.
4) Claiming that the authors of the bible were lying or deluded with no proof for their claims
5) Claiming that Jesus didn't perform miracles with no proof for their claims
6) Claiming that they know what happens after we die when none of them have died yet
7) Claiming that their morals are better than Christ's
8) Claiming that Jesus didn't exist
9) Claiming that Jesus didn't show the world his divine powers when they have no proof for their claims
10) Claiming that they're indifferent to God when they spend thousands of hours discussing God.

The above are only just a few of the lies that atheists have to tell to deny that Jesus is Lord. So I have a question to which I'd like to know the answer:
Do atheists know they are lying? If so, then why do they want beliefs that they know are based on lies?

Or do they not know they are lying when they make up fictitious history that can't be verified by anyone in history? I'd really like to know the answer to that particular question. Thank you.

Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

The distance of stars is based on the assumption of how big stars are and therefore how far away they have to be for their light to reach the earth. So...what if the stars are much closer than we think? If they are, then the calculations are way off. Scientists also sitll don't know if the light from the stars is reflected light from the sun or powered by hydrogen gas which is just a guess.

supersport #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Last week I made an admittedly outrageous claim: that studying genes is mostly a waste of time and money. Not only is it a waste of time and money regarding the evolution of lifeforms, but it's also a mostly waste of time medically. And the reason it's a waste of time is because our genes do not control us. Instead, we control our genes. When a gene acts up and mutates or decides to express itself in a different way, it's not a result of an accident -- it's the result of being under the influence of the cell in which it resides -- which, in turn, is under the influence of the body itself.

Thus, by studying genetics, scientists are completely missing the cause of change. Take cancer. If a person smokes for 40 years and then a genetic mutation induces cancer in their body, the genetic mutation itself is not the cause, the cause cellular malfunction...and this malfunction happes because it finally succumbs to a toxic internal and/or external environment. And it's the same concept with a kid who grows up with crummy, toxic, deadbeat parents: the odds are, unfortunately, that this kid -- without Divine intervention -- will grow up to be malfunctional and toxic and deadbeat himself. It's not rocket science...it's common sense.

Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

And since for the most part, the whole goal of science is to rebel against God, then their whole goal is to prove the bible wrong. This leads to even more bizarre and irrational explanations that aren't possible in reality. For example, the bible describes a tribe of giants called the Nephilim who were the sons of Anak that could very easily explain the skulls and bones that scientists have found. But in their zeal to rebel against God and play God themselves, evolutionists instead, need to come up with an even more bizarre and ludicrous explanation that humans came from apes.

supersport #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

[Oncologists the world over, Chemotherapy is not the answer, hyperbaric chambers are!]

But to answer your question, no, cancer happens because cellular toxicity, which results in a lack of oxygen and an inability to effectively metabolize nutrients or rid itself of waste. Eventually the cell begins to malfunction, divide, and spread.

Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

[Darwin's theory - Any interpretation other than Carico's is wrong, haven't you heard?]

Mine agrees with the bible's. Yours doesn't. So would I be right in "interpreting" your statement to mean any interpretation other than Osama Bin Laden's interpretation is wrong? According to you, I've accurately quoted your words.

supersport #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

considering that Africa, Southwestern Europe, South America, and Central America appear to be split from one continent -- Pangea -- what are the odds that the continents split apart after the flood right about the time when God commanded people to disperse and fill the earth after Babel? That would explain how humans appeared on all continents at approximately the same time. hmmmmm.....

Jonathon TH #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Thinking Biblically about the appendix

Let’s assume that modern science knew of no function for the appendix. Would that show it was a useless left-over from our past evolution from the animals? Not at all. There would be at least two other possibilities, when our thinking is based upon the Bible:
It had a created function in people originally, but as a result of the Curse (consequent upon Adam’s sin) on all creation, humanity has degenerated. Thus, our body has lost some functions which it once had. Evolution requires a gain in information—new structures, new functions.
It has a created function, but we don’t know what it is yet.

Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Since many people like to change the words in the bible, let's change Darwin's theory too. Afterall, anyone's interpretation of his words are as correct as anyone's interpretation of the bible.

So Darwin claimed that humans didn't evolve from apes or primates, but instead, from the a three-toed sloth that just...mutated into a human. Afterall, mutations happen all the time so of course this is the way it happened. We have fossils of three--toed sloths that existsed millions of years ago so that is proof that they turned into humans.

We also have other fossils that once used to be a three-toed sloth, but they died out because they weren't fit enough so they thankfully happened to breed a superior three-toed sloth. Whew! That mutation was a lucky break. But wait...the environment must have been colder then let's say around an avergage of 20 degrees all year around, no let's make it 30. Yeah, that's a nice round number because it was much closer to the ice age so it fits right in.

So the above is true because it's my "interpretation" of Darwin's words and they're just as right as anyone else's.

lion #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

According to the biblical witness the human mind (in its unregenerate state) is foolish and God excluding. And this darkened intellect will generally interpret evidence of origins in a God excluding way. They claim to be objective, but this of course is impossible. We all begin with assumptions.

One example of this concerns so called transitional fossils. Creature A has specific features. Creature B has some of the same characteristics as creature A with a new feature or two. Creature C has some features of both with a new feature or two. The assumption is now made that creature B was a transition between A and C. And that they are all related. But this is pure assumption. We do not know if A was an actual ancestor to B and C. Heck we can not even know if A had any offspring that lived.

Now at times we will find A in lower strata than we find either B or C. So we assume that A is older. A may be older but again that does not prove physical ancestry. And often we will find both A and B or B and C in the same strata.

So we are left with induction and interpretation. And the carnal mind will do all it can to exclude God from the process; they will interpret the evidence in a God dishonoring way.

Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Since scientists supposedly only base their findings on what they can observe, then according to them, no person for which there is no proof that he existed in the past, ever existed. No city of which they can't find remains, existed. No wars that weren't documented, actually existed. But they don't mind making up pre-history and new history that's never been documented anywhere like the new history of the Jews in order to pass along that apes bred human descendants.

So this cuts the knowledge of scientists down to only a fraction of what other people know and adds events that were never documented in history. And of course, the common person who can't think for himself, puts blind faith in these people whose knowledge is extremely limited or made up. That's the most irrational part of all.

Slim1951 #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

It sounds to me like you are dissapointed in how God has made and arranged things and you feel you could do better. Perhaps you could make a perfect world where no one gets sick and no one dies. No one would steal lie or get angry etc. You would have a perfect world. You would then have done a much better job than what God has done right?

Perhaps the child who experiences these physical shortcomings is blessed in other ways that are not obvious to you. Mentally retarded people often bless those around them in many wonderful ways. I have found in my life that I often don't accurately perceive situations and they appear to be one thing but then I find out they were actually something else. I think you may be seeing the limbs missing as the all in all when in fact there are other issues at work you are not seeing. Often times our sufferings humble us in a way that draws us closer to God. I hope you too will experience that closeness and love with God one day soon.

YeshuMarine #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

[Christians stop trying to prove your position to the Atheist/Evolutionist]

Guys, we have all of the evidence and Logic in our corner. We've got Theism as the Philosophically default position. Atheism has been belittled to nothing more than merely a Psychological phantom in the rearviews of the Christian mirrors. We've got all of the evidence that Evolution thought they had in favor of YECS. So in effect...we have nothing to prove.

The Atheists need to prove Evolution to the YECS. And once we counter your arguments, Acceptance of the truth is the necessary action to proceed, not a denial of the truth as is usually occurring within the threads. Otherwise...well you know what happens other wise .

Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Since atheists don't listn to anything other than what they think, I'm sure it's a waste of time to explain why God allows slavery. But I want to let them know so they have no more justification to distort the bible even though they'll distort it anyway.

God allows slavery for many reasons, the chief of which is to show:

1) "The greatest among you will be your servant"
2) The relationship that mankind has to have to God
3) That happiness comes from the inside, regardless of outside circumstances
4) That man doesn't dictate his own fate
5) How to treat others who treat us badly
6) Why slaves are exalted in the eyes of God and proud men aren't
7) To learn humility
8) That even though all men aren't equal in the eyes of men, they are equal in the eyes of God

Those are just some reasons that God allows slavery. But since atheists aren't here to learn and understand Christianity, as they claim, then they will continue to look for reasons to keep hating God. They will thus distort the above arguments. They don't understand that if a man buys another human being and treats him badly, then he is indeed showing that his servant is greater than his master!

And most importantly, God allowed slavery to foreshadow the coming of Christ who would be a servant to the world and yet be treated as badly slaves are treated by their wicked slavemasters.

But since atheists don't understand simple concepts like those above, then all they can see is the justification of slaves to oppress their masters just like their masters opporess them. But God is teaching us spiritual concepts which are completely lost on atheists. Only a desire to understand God will make the above list clear to them. But the desire to hate God will keep them stuck in distorting the bible and passing along false claims about God.

supersport #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

"why do evolutionists dig up animals' bones out of the ground and want so badly to call them "transitionals?" There are tons of different animals that exist on earth today.....take dogs, for example.....with evolutionists' mentality, they could dig up chihuahua bones and then dig up Great Dane bones and then say: "Oh, look...see there....it's evolution in action." In reality, it's just two different animals that existed at more or less the same time."

Mickey #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

[1) A supernova is observed. Scientists say the original event occurred 4000 years ago using various techniques. You'd accept that.
2) A supernova is observed. Scientists say it occurred 100,000 years ago using the same techniques. You'd reject that.]

I reject #2 as science as it is unobservable. In order to study something in science one must observe the associated event.

Slim1951 #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

[Was Jesus ever married? Did he have Sex?]

I believe this question is frivolous and without merit. It feels as if it is asked in a whimsical way.Jesus was not carnal. Sex is the ultimate carnality. Although he never states (like Nixon said "your president is not a crook" or Bill Clinton) that he never had sex with that woman, Mary Magdalene, everything we know about him says he was a pure as the wind driven snow. You can believe that he was lustful and acted on it, but I don't. If you preach that stuff you risk getting Jesus really annoyed with you. So...if I were you I would be careful regarding Jesus's so called sexuality.

Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Since there seems to be confusion among atheists about what energy is. Energy is a potential and cannot be weighed because it has no parameters as no invisible force does and therefore cannot be weighed. An invisible force can, however, be measured as it reacts in resistance to mass, such as the wind. But like the wind, energy itself is weightless.

Mass on the other hand, which is any finite object, can be weighed when acted upon by gravity. So a weightless force cannot contain weight. But mass on the other can does contain potential energy which is why it can be released under the proper circumstances such as nuclear fission.

And neither can an explosion solidify mass. An explosion breaks up mass! So the "Big Bang" is impossible. It is another desperate attempt to deny God.

But, as Jesus tells us, we cannot enter the kingdom of God unless we become like little children. Children already know that explosions don't create and solidify mass but break up mass. But this is lost on "Scientists" who, in their rebellion against God come up with the most ludicrous and impossible arguments because they can't see basic simple concepts like those above.

So they first need to learn that the truth is always simple because it holds no contradictions. Truth affirms reality, it doesn't contradict it. But lies, on the other hand, are always convoluted, complex, and contradictory. And science always deals in the complex, convoluted and contradictory.

Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Denying God takes effort. So the claim that atheists/evolutionists make that there is no proof of God is bogus. In order to deny God atheists/evolutionists have to:

1) Make up another story for the origin of man such as apes just turing into humans or breeding human descendants when they haven't done that since the beginning of recorded history. That entails volumes and volumes of trying to fit a square peg into a round hole that can't be proven to occur in reality.

2) Changing history and inventing a new history of the Jews to claim that the first man wasn't Adam. That takes a great amount of effort.

3) Making up new events that happened in Jerusalem to claim that Jesus didn't show his divinity through his words and actions.

4) Spending thousands of hours trying to figure out how the earth was formed, particularly since it took, according to evolutionists, man millions of years to think up the "Big Bang."

5) Trying to figure out why all the disciples and apostles would give up their lives for a lie.

6) Claiming there is no intelligent design using contradictory claims that chance causes cause-effect in the universe.

7) Claiming that energy can be converted into mass when energy doesn't contain mass.

8) Claiming that sex between humans is bestiality because they claim that humans are animals; or claiming that bestiality is sex between humans and animals, but denying that sex between humans is bestiality even though evolutionists claim that humans are animals!

9) Atheists claiming that they know better than eye-witnesses what happened at an event that atheists themselves didn't witness.

10) Trying to explain the sedimentary rock layers all over the world in any other way than a flood including a world-wide tsunami.

11) And even with all their effort, no one has still been able to explain the existence of the first living organism, the first plant, or living being. Yet atheists refuse to admit God's existence.

So the above scenarios are deliberate denial of God because they take a tremendous amount of effort to conjure up. Some people spend their whole lives trying to find explanations that deny God. So this shows that not only do humans know that God exists because of the effort they have to put into trying to refute God, but the irrational and contradictory arguments they have to endorse to deny God!

YeshuMarine #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Not one single contradiction eh? I have pointed out many self contradicting statements. You have failed to respond to them with an objection. Silence is acceptance. Therefore, you have agreed to many of the contradictions I have provided. And as such, since you have agreed to them, and now wish to turn around and disagree with them, you are refuting your own statement yet again.

And, if I wish to refute your Atheism thats simple. If all truth is relative, and that is absolutely true, all truth is not relative, and that is absolutely false. Position no. 1, Relativism is false.

Position no. 2 has been refuted with the Anti-Atheistic Argument, which is a refutation of the Objective position of Atheism. Hence your Atheism has been refuted.

Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

"The answer is simple; Because God specifically told us that man was created from the dust of the ground and says nowhere that God created man out of the wombs of animals. That comes from the imaginations of men and is therefore a made-up gospel. Christian beliefs comes from what the bible says, not what it doesn't say.

But unfortunately, evolutionists who call themselves Christians are in for a rude awakening when they die and realize that they abandoned God for the teachings of men. As Jesus tells us "What is highly vlaued among men is detestable in God's sight." And evolution is certainly highly valued among men! So the fate of "Christian" evolutionists will be far worse than atheists who are at least honest about their unbelief because wolves disguised as sheep are adding hypocrisy to their unbelief."

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