
Revdaneeidson #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

My statements eat at the cold blooded pedaphile child torturing abortionists up. Their weak sad evil arguments is to throw up the strawman term. They don't like it when others are shamed away from joining them in raping, molesting, burning, ripping, and killing innocent children.
Ripped apart babies, burn to death babies, and babies living after being delivered earlier than the other babies abortionists joyfully in arousing glee get excited about torturing slowly to death, is no strawman argument. They female dogs and girly sissy boy men pansie abortionists, after all, are driven by their out of control lusts seeking to torture the most innocent of children for monies to give to their perverted causes. Adolf Hitler could have used them as Gestapo Death Camp Nazi officers overseeing the poison gas showers and cremation ovens. They would have run the factories that made shoes out of the skins of holocost victims. Abortionists are experts at implimenting holocosts.

Frank-in-sense #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

For instance, atheism can’t even answer a simple question like, “which came first the chicken or the egg?” Whereas the Bible teaches that on the fifth day God created the chicken. If atheism can’t even answer a simple question like that, why would anyone trust it further?

Uberbeliever #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

There is a local restaurant which my wife and I are regulars at. One of the waiters there is the "openly" gay type, and I mean openly is putting it mildly. I will not give his name as to humiliate him (he does a good enough job of that himself). Whenever we show up and the hostess tells us that he will be our server, I give her a smile and say "You mean our waitress, right?" and give her a wink. That usually gets a good chuckle out of a few folks in line behind us.

sammy1980 #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

[Referring to homosexuals and the gay agenda]

If they win, then Christianity and the Bible will be banned and conservative Christians will be imprisoned for our beliefs, because we won't give up preaching the gospel, especially the biblical position on sexuality. We are going to live in a thought police society. It will just like in Communist Russia. Also, the most rigid homosexual activists that specifically target Christian churches, organizations, and people is Soulforce led by notorious Mel White. I sincerely believe if Soulforce wins, then we could become a Communist nation. You know, White's secretary Kara Speltz embraces strong socialist ideologies but won't admit it.

Coadie #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Alcohol is a false spirit. It is likquid courage and other things. the catholics show the world they are far from christianity by their priests that are alcoholics by the thousdands. They also are not sober enough to know God is true from Genesis 1 onward.

God brings conviction against alcohol.

supersport #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

I think it's high time the truth is told about evolutionist-run debate forums. The Richard Dawkins forum is the 3rd atheist/evolutionist forum I have been banned from for absolutely no reason. I will present the evidence here that creationists simply are not welcome at evolutionists' sites....our ideas are not tolerated, and if we step out of line and make too much of a fool of ToE then we simply get exterminated. You think Communism and mind-control only happens in China or North Korea? HA! Just try posting anti-darwinian language at an atheist site and see how long you stick around.

supersport #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

"We already know that E=mc2 is wrong because it contradicts Newton's law of gravity. E=mc2 says nothing is faster than the speed of light....yet as we know, this is not correct. Gravity is instantaneous, thus faster than the speed of light. If the earth were to move, for example, the moon would somehow "know" it and move right along with it. Same with the sun...if the sun were to move, the planets would follow the sun around, all without ropes.

Scientists have long known that Einstein's theory contradicted Newton's law of gravity, but it's just one of those things they try to keep hush about and sweep under the carpet like it doesn't exist.

So if E=mc2 is wrong, which it is, then we can pretty much be assured that astronomers and cosmologists are not to be trusted because they simply do not know what they're talking about."

StElsewhere #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

On the same day that the Hindu abomination occurred in our Senate chamber, the 13th day of July 2007, the U.S. State Department Headquarters was attacked by what the Associated Press called killer wasps. These killer wasps are two inches long, and thousands of them have chosen to nest in the State Department building in Washington, D.C. It is being called a total infestation! I immediately thought of Exodus 23:28, which reads as follows: "And I will send hornets before thee, which shall drive out the Hivite, the Canaanite, and the Hittite , from before thee." I must note at this point, that the three nations mentioned in this verse worshipped the gods of earth, wind, and fire, just as the Hindus do. This wasp infestation that occurred on the same day at the headquarters of the powerful State Department is a clear sign from the Almighty of judgment forthcoming. Where are the Christian ministers who should be sounding the alarm?"

Trinidad and Tobago #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

"Newton's theory went down the toilet with Einstein. And einstein's theory is in the process of going down the toilet today. That's the thing with these scientists, their ideas are always exchanged down the road for something better and more accurate. Nothing they say right now is an accurate representation on the natural world."

sammy1980 #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

(Who cares if there is a gay agenda?)

actually, I care about a gay agenda. But not because it is
about gays, but because their tactics so clearly resemble the tactics of Communists in Russia, which is a thought control. It is the thought police tactics of gay activists that really bother me, not their desire to have sex with people of the same gender. This would create oppression, like it was in Russia, and is slowly happening in Canada and Western Europe.

supersport #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

first of all medicine, like evolutionary science is mostly political. There are very few medicines, if any, that cure anything. Any cures that happen do so because of the body's own ability to repair itself. Care to name me a disease in the past 40 years that's been cured on a widescale basis by medicine?

Lala #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

[anyone who lies about the story of noah predating gilgamesh deserves to be corrected...harshly.]

Simply your opinion, you can choose not to believe God exists or that He is Lord, but that doesn't give you the right to lord yourself and your opinion over others...that's all have to say...

christdependent #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Compromise is never a good thing for Christians when confronted with sly suggestions from the devil that God didn't really sssssssssay what He said, or that He is not God unless He conformssssssss to their liking, or when he invites them to quessssssstion God's goodness and motives.

Which is exactly what changing the world to the secular regressssssssssive utilitarian utopian worldview boilssssssss down to.

And I really don't think MSN is infecting my computer with a virus (except attempting to poison my mind) by plastering a "change agent" banner across the top of the headlines page when I sign on.

Lala #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

that the rainbow is used as the homosexual (or Gay, Lesbian to be PC) flag. The rainbow was suppose to be a promise, a convenant to be exact, between us and God.

Genesis 9:12-16

Though I can't remember the last time I saw a rainbow in the sky, it bothers me that it is now used to represent gayness. Sometimes I'll see someone with the flag on the train and i'm tempted to give them a lecture on what it was suppose to be, that's not so wrong is it? I just want the rainbow to be was it was meant to be.

Oroci_Iori and Am #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

(If he didn't want sin to exist, then the existence of sin is not in accordance with his will. Therefore, he's incompetent.)

Oroci_Iori: That doesn't prove incompetence. Because sin does exist, God is using the evil of man for his purpose. This is how he brought Jesus to the Cross.

(Okay. And if God wants to fulfill his purpose, and needs evil to do it, then God wills evil to fulfill his purpose. Therefore, God willed the Holocaust to fulfill his purpose. Hence, God is evil.)

Am: NO! He allows evil to play out in granting free will. Satan brought the sin and evil in. The whole bible and coming of Jesus was a work of preparation in God reconciling humanity back to Himself, while working with the free will of created beings.

Carico #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

"Archeologists have found fossils of sea animals, hippopotami, and other animals not indigenous to North America in places like Nebraska. The only way they could get there is by the ocean.

Yet the desire to deny God and the flood is so strong in many scientists that they will deny the most logical and rational explanation which is a global flood, and instead, make up any story no matter how much it contradicts reality, that it will be fascinating to see what bizarre stories they can concoct to explain those fossils. Afterall, if scientists claim there was a global ice age, then they should have no problem with claiming there was a global flood. So why don't they? Simple, because God says there was a flood and it's Satan's job ( which he does very well) to try to keep people from believing God

So scientists come up with even more irrational and bizarre explanations to try to deny God. One possible story would go something like this; "Well, the prairie dog simply mutated into a seahorse or hippopotmas, then before they died out, they mutated back into prairie dogs." That's on the same par with claiming that monkeys mutated into human beings. But that's what looking at fossils can generate; faulty conclusions that come from the desperate imaginations of men."

Metacrock #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

atheism forms these grand sweeping assumptions about all of reality based upon a tiny narrow sliver of sample. They assume there cant' be anything byeond this. They have a tinly little narrow band of the whole, just the part that we an examine first hand and directly. From that the pretend "O there cant' be anything else and there's no other wayt o learn about it, so we have to just pretend this is all there is."

Then they make more sweeping conclusions having never read theology so they vent abuot how they hate religious people and pat themselves on the back and believe they are so much smarter because their idoelogy is based upon a parolor tricks. They have grand ediface of pretense based upon no learning and no understanding and very very scant amount of data.

(1) mateirlism itself pretends to expailn all of reality, both the seen and the unseen

(2) the only way it can even pretend to do that is by cutting off 99% of the pie and saying "this little 1% is all there is. we know this because this is all we could could actually study by our limited method."

(3) They can't show why the universe is here or where it came from.

(4) can't explian concousness excetp by reducting it and pretending they have fathomed all about it because they know one thing, it has to be accessed through the brain. So they just pretend "that's all there is."

(5) they can't deny the 300 studies that show that religion is life trnasforming so they just ask a few limited trivial questions and pretend that they have "refutted" the study methology of 300 studies! 300!!!!! you haven't refutted one!!!

(5) they have no clue about transcendental signifiers. But they use them. they run their ideology by organizing principles but they can't figure out that this proves there must be a grand organizing princple that crates the universe.

(6) Religious experiences conform to the same epistemic criteia by which we judge all aspects of reality, but they totally ignore this fact and pretend it's not there.

after all this they say "there's no proof there's a God."

God is ontoglocally mandated by the power of modal opporaters!

coadie #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

[In discussion of Jo Hovind's sentence of 1 year in Prison]

"Where is the evolution theory is there a duty for apes to pay taxes?

Since evoas have no foundation of immorality, where do they get into discussing tax matters? Do pit bulls owe taxes???"

churchlady #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

I found that "mental illness' such as "bipolar" and BDP run high amongst homosexuals.
It's part of the whole same sex attraction.
Absorption with the reflection of self, (true self or in a similar same sex other) rejection by, or dysfunctional sexual role models, no TRUE Christian parenting, highly emtional perception of life, etc.

Royal_Priest #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Men and women both must put an end to feminism. If not, the world will resort back to the type of IDOLATRY in ancient times where women were worshipped as gods, in phallic practices where the vagina of the woman was also worshipped due to its ability to bring forth new life. God condemned this and all forms of idolatry, however the sickness of female worship still lingers among us to this day. I will tell you in closing, that men and women are indeed equal in nature as human beings. Christian men and women, in particular, are equal in Christ. But we are not equal in person or function, regardless of what the Constitution of the United States has to say

Royal_Priest #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

[Have you ever sat as a juror at a rape trial? You should try it sometime, then afterwards you can tell me how the brutal humiliation of an innocent woman has anything to do with feminism.]

Need I explain male physiology to you and the limitations in one day of the male's ability to perform sexually. Perhaps if the rapist had a wife or a woman at home to SATISFY him, then just by the mere limitation of his physiology he wouldn't be out there raping.

[Or are you saying that it's feminism's fault that an insecure man is driven to rape (most rapists have severe self-esteem issues w.r.t. women).]

Esteem problems given to him by WHOM?! Women! Thank you.

Coadie #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Darwin would go balistic today at UCLA

All what he calls savages on Basketball and football scholarships. He would have gone into seizures. And all the Native Americans from this hemisphhere.

These are the ones he wanted eliminated for more cattle grazing as he wrote. Darwin was racist big time.

scarlets79 #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Interestingly, evolutionary atheists find it difficult to deal with the fact that an EVENT either occurred or did not occur. For example, Jesus walking on water. It either 1) occurred 2) did not occur

If it did not occur, then gospel writers either 1) lied 2) hallucinated
However a difficulty with 2) is that mass hallucinations not possible. So this leaves you with option 1) i.e. gospel writers lied.

The other option is that the walking on water did occur. I believe this.

There is no scope for evolution from nothing here. Clear logical reasoning shows these as the possibilities.

In another thread, one guy denied Jesus ever existed. That is a convenient way out. But that still implies gospel writers lied.And historical evidence destroys the claim Jesus never existed- I wonder what other historical figures that poster denies, and why?

scarlets79 #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Interestingly, evolutionary atheists find it difficult to deal with the fact that an EVENT either occurred or did not occur. For example, Jesus walking on water. It either 1) occurred 2) did not occur

If it did not occur, then gospel writers either 1) lied 2) hallucinated
However a difficulty with 2) is that mass hallucinations not possible. So this leaves you with option 1) i.e. gospel writers lied.

The other option is that the walking on water did occur. I believe this.

There is no scope for evolution from nothing here. Clear logical reasoning shows these as the possibilities.

In another thread, one guy denied Jesus ever existed. That is a convenient way out. But that still implies gospel writers lied.And historical evidence destroys the claim Jesus never existed- I wonder what other historical figures that poster denies, and why?

Nancy #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Most abortions are from 9 to 12 weeks and according to recent studies from fetogolgiststhey do feel pain. Regardless, they are killing an innocent human being. Does that mean nothing do you? Aren't you glad weren't rip apart in the womb and thown away like disposable garbage.

F1Ace #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

(Referring to this museum - http://www.scienceagainstevolution.org/v6i3f.htm)

Tell me, where is the convincing case for Evolution?

And I quote:
"So, instead of the expected human family tree, there is a hole in a wall where a child can place his or her head and look at a mirror. The mirror shows the child at a birthday party with all his or her ape ancestors. Then the child is told that gIt was a great party, but only a few survived.h


Nancy #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

(There is no right to life at the expense of someone else's body.)

There is no right for that innocent human being to be killied because of someone elses inconvenience.

(BTW, justified self-defense overrules the right to life of the infringer.)

A new word for the feutus "infringer" I'll add it to my list. Kill it in self-defense because the fetus is a "dangerous infringer". Very original HRG, What's next? Cookie Monster? Geeesh!

christdependent #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

This statement ought to leave you shaking in your shoes: "I hate to admit that you are right. To think that Christ is the son of THAT God, that God which doesn't change, is almost unfathomable. The overkill and ironic absence of Christian values that permeate the OT, is indeed a dilemma to any intellectually honest believer. We have no reasoned answer..."

You will give an account for those words before God, sir. REPENT!!!

wolste99 #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

That's just it, atheists want 100% physical proof that God exists. Well, you can see it in nature, you can see it in the human body because there is no way the intelligent design of life can be seen any other way than God, you simply just don't buy it. That proof simply is not good enough for you. If Christ walked up, tapped you on the shoulder and told you He was Christ, you still wouldn't believe it, correct? Because you would not think it was Him.
There are tons more ways to talk to unsaved people without having to prove logic. Believers know that beyond the physical world and what is around us that it is difficult to prove God, we base most of what we believe on faith because things just don't add up otherwise.

coadie #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

"Did darwinism introduce cross dressers?

Ann Coulter says a frustrated Darwiniac resorts to an occasional outbursts regarding flat earth. This is done by taking a pet definition of "foundation".

The cross dressers as shown in google wear corsets as foundations. Is Darwinisms hatching of a definition of foundation really referring to a girdle?

The Mother earth wearing a girdle? Not very natural. There is no limit to the imagination of Darwinists."

lightwait #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

One thing and possibly the only thing the Bible contradicts—is those who look for and want to find contradictions in the Bible.

1Th 5:21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.

The Bible, not once, tells us to disprove anything.

I hope the Christian community will not be a party to this thread.


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