[Context: Infamous Lolcow ADF/Isabel Araujo/Ahuviya Harel/Phil apparently got SRS surgery, this is in a KF thread about a picture of the results 7 weeks post-op. A few other posters show some ignorance, but this guy was the most fundie about it]
Why in society have we come to accept instead of helping people with body dis-morphia through mental stability, instead we give in to these unnatural desires to mutilate their genitals? What is this madness?
[on the next page]
Are you telling me that turning your dick inside out into your guts is not the most natural sounding vagina? What are you a Nazi?
[now a couple pages later a user called NoFeline Says]
Isn't Phil's made out of a piece of his colon? Yeah. Despite how nasty that sounds, it's much less of a horror show than inverting the penis...and the botch-jobs on that are much, much worse.
[To which our fundie says]
Are you so desentizied or "tolerant" that you find inverted your penis and mutilating it NOT botching your fucking body?
[bananaliquerelips says]
unpopular opinion (I guess) but its an okay vagina for a fake one. At first glance it doesn't appear abnormal. upon further inspection, sure, but once anyone gets to 4th base if thats not what they're expecting then they're deluded.
it does look smelly though. douche daily is my advice.
[Zippy responds]
How about not mutilating your genitals because of a mental illness? How about that?
[User Ginger Piglet quotes Zippy]
For people who are TRUE AND HONEST trans, i.e. not Phil, and suffer from actual gender dysphoria, this is the treatment for that illness. However because of its very nature (viz. this thread), that's why they have piles of "gatekeeping" in front of it.
[Zippy posts again]
The treatment is to lead to life that most likely will make your mental state worse than before, look I was liberal and "free-thinking" like you once, but it's common sense that this is in their head. They are the sex they are born with and that will never change.
[GP again]
If you are Phil, or one of the many other transtrenders we cover, yes. However. The trans people that actually put the effort in to pass and go through all the steps and so forth are generally fairly well adjusted.
Basically, if you want to gauge how truly and honestly trans someone is, think about this - how quickly can I clock them? The shorter a time it takes, the more likely they are to screech at some quack until he wolverine-claws a segment out their groin.
[ZZ again, getting more agitated]
You people are insane, you have given these mentally ill people the go through to fuck up their lives forever because you think sex is a social construct. Will someone just nuke the Western world already?
[A moderator named Ravenor shows up, quoting Piglet]
There is also the Kiwi Statistic, we have a disproportionate number of Transpeople involved in the forums who are active and respected members of the community we don't hate transpeople far from it, we just have a distate for people using being Trans as an excuse for doing a runner from responsibility or accountability.
[ZZ again, this time getting sassy with the mod]
Kiwifarms has a disproportionate amount of crazy people? Who woulda thunk?
But yeah to state for the record I don't "hate" trannies, I just think they are insane and they created this disgusting degenerate culture that has even poisoned children. That you can just be whatever sex you want because there was that one time you put on a dress, or you play with boys toys. I hope they get actual help instead of these horrible procedures.