Candace Owens #fundie #conspiracy #homophobia

“This is very scary stuff, and it seems that there is sort of an awakening happening where people are starting to recognize that something more sinister is going on.

“And, of course, a recent example of that was just the Olympics. It does seem that they’re trying to almost now indoctrinate the entire world into their satanic faith. And it — like I said, it is my belief that this is a synagogue of Satan.

“Like you mentioned, it is Biblical. It mentions this, people who are pretending to be Jews, but are in fact people that worship Satan, and it seems like a very small, incredibly powerful group of elites.

“And I can trace this through to Australia, to Switzerland, to France, to America, to Canada, and it explains why it is the circumstance that all of these world leaders that we have, even President Zelensky, all seem to be homosexual. Obviously, their relationships are not real.” – Candace Owens, on her wildly popular podcast.

As a reminder, Owens has over ten million subscribers and followers across multiple platforms. The podcast regularly ranks in the top ten nationwide.



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