W. Lindsay Wheeler #racist #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut henrymakow.com

We all know that Zelensky is Jewish. Right?

Did you know that 3/4 of his cabinet is Jewish?

Did you know that he has a Jewish Handler?

Golanzo has a tremendous knowledge about the history and goings on in Ukraine.

Do you know that there are pics of John McCain at the Maiden revolt in Ukraine praising the coup?

Do you know that Lindsay Graham was in Ukraine in 2019 praising the Ukrainian push to oust the Russians from the Donbass? ...praising the nationalism of the Ukrainians?

Let me bring to you the BIG picture, the Global Overarching goal that ties this all together. Ask yourself,

Why did we go into Iraq and unseat Saddam Hussein?

Libya and unseat Mohammar Ghaddafi?

And tried to take out Assad in Syria?

What does Russia, Iraq, Libya and Syria have in common?

Dictatorships....Authoritarianism. --Separationism! What is a Dictatorship? A pseudo-Monarchy!

Why is it that George Soros called Xi as a betrayer?

The WHOLE thing is Jewish.

The people who pushed the Iraq War were Neocons--who were what? ---ALL Jewish!

It is the Rich Jews who laid it upon themselves to accomplish the World Republic-and that means EVERYBODY has to have democracy!

Democracy is the vehicle for the Jewish World Republic and their "messiah" to come.

It is about rebuilding the Tower of Babel so one of them sits on top.

This whole thing is a continuation of the modern Republican movement that ended Christendom, Western Civilization of Throne and Altar!

And THAT is why you see this massive propaganda campaign, economic warfare against Russia.

They PURPOSELY started this war to destroy Russia; they want unrest IN Russia to unseat Putin.

Everybody and anybody in Power has a Jewish Handler. Nixon his Kissinger. Bush his Neocons, Trump his Kushner.

It is ALL about destroying Dictatorships and implementing "Democracy."

Democracy is Jewish government!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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