Brabantian #conspiracy #crackpot #wingnut #racist

We are possibly witnessing the greatest game ever in US political history.

A bizarre event last Saturday led by Trump's top lawyer Rudy Giuliani is being ridiculed as a feckless failure ... but links and connections point to something different:

A hidden team Trump warning to the Democrats and the Bidens, that unless they acknowledge election fraud cheating Trump of his win, the worst of disasters will hit them, 'the whole corrupt temple pulled down on your heads'.
Investigative youth of 4chan /pol/, however, have revealed connections with this location, explaining the bizarre choice of site as being perhaps an ultimate, final signal and warning to the Biden family and to the USA Democratic party, just before Trump takes the drastic measures to defeat the perhaps biggest ever vote-count fraud in USA history. Consider:

Four Seasons Landscaping is less than 3 kilometers away from the notorious Holmesburg prison, now closed, where a Jewish dermatologist, Dr Albert Kligman (1916-2010), conducted horrific medical experiments on the bodies of live prisoners for many years, America's own 'Josef Mengele'.
Q of QAnon fame often quotes from 'Law Abiding Citizen', the scene where the 'Clyde Shelton' character says, "I'm gonna pull the whole thing down. I'm gonna bring the whole fuckin' diseased corrupt temple down on your heads. It's gonna be Biblical."

Regarding 'Four Seasons', President Trump's first year in office, was marred by the 'Stephen Paddock massacre in Las Vegas' of October 2017, 'killing 58 and wounding 850', in what many see as an Illuminati event. Paddock was 'shooting out of a 32nd floor window', just below the Mandalay Bay 'Four Seasons Hotel' on floors 35 to 39.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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