Most of the internet sites we visited were put up by Christians, but because of the nature of the battle they are involved in their ministries have to present lurid details that are an abomination to the Christian conscience as well as morally offensive to most of the unsaved. Pray for them. I am not talking about church web sites, but web sites that have been put up by Christians with the sole purpose of fighting against the sodomite agenda. We could not stand large doses of it at one time because it was so spiritually oppressive and morally offensive. Those who push the sodomite agenda are hell bent on the destruction of Bible believing Christianity. They are pushing their agenda through infiltrating, subverting, and perverting our public schools, our government, our public institutions, our private institutions, our colleges, our places of employment, our entertainment, our hospitals, our military, and yes, even our "churches". <...> We believe that it is proceeding at a much faster rate than in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah because it is being pushed through the television, the internet, the print media, and the movie industry. IF IT IS NOT STOPPED IT WILL LEAD TO THE DESTRUCTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
Most of our leaders today are no different than those that God judged with the worldwide flood and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. They are worthy of death. I am not saying that we should kill them, but I am saying that God would be totally justified in destroying them and their sponsors.
I have never studied anything so vile and repulsive in my life. I feel like I have been violated by Satan himself. Christians, we need to pray for the salvation for these vile people. They need Jesus. We also need to pray that God will protect us and our children from their vile affections and their violence. God deliver us. Even so come Lord Jesus.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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