Fritz Berggren #fundie #racist #conspiracy #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia

[From "Civil War 2 and Resisting Antichrist"]

Joe Biden is accusing half of America as being “extremist” and a threat to democracy. In truth, Biden, his son Hunter, and his own handlers are the traitors. They are selling the country’s interests for cash, and facilitating andinvasion as dangerous as the invasion of Muslim Africans into Spain in the 700s AD, and the Mongolian threat to Christian Europe centuries ago. Satan’s plot to white of the white and Christian race continue with very much the same tactics — human wave attacks[…]
We do not live in a country where the average person has a voice. If we did, none of the above would have occurred — none. Not a single state ever voted to legalize homosexual marriage

The antichrist forces define “democracy” as trannies, sodomy, open borders, the destruction of American industry, mandatory “vaccines,” and rule by “experts” who masquerade as “scientists” who know better than “we the people”

Only an awakening in the free and independent Pulpits can resist the current tyranny[…]
But . . . if we do not have Christians nations and Christian states, we will genocide the Church of Jesus Christ on this earth. There is no limit to Satan’s voracious appetite and therefor no end to the rapaciousness of the devil’ children and synagogue. We are fooling ourselves by believing that our current docile and submissive relationship with the world and the Jews is acceptable. There simply is no peace between the seed of the Woman and the seed of the serpent (the brood of vipers, the children of the devil, Satan’s synagogue)[…]
There is a reason whites are the target — we are the most anti-antichrist people in the planet naturally, instinctively, genetically, and historically. We need to resurrect that[…]
You either bend the knee to the antichrist of this generation or you stand in defiance of him. There is no third path. The idea of a third path is Satan’s idea



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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