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Aadesh Soni and Shankaracharya Avimukteshwaranand Saraswati #fundie #psycho

Local Hindutva leader and social media influencer Aadesh Soni called on Hindus to attack, rape, and kill Christians across the villages of Bishrampur, Ganeshpur, and Jhanakpur in Chhattisgarh in March, accusing them of “brainwashing children” through conversion efforts

Aadesh Soni declared on social media that the plan was to “kill all Christians, violate the honor of their daughters and daughters-in-law, commit obscene acts against them, forcibly enter Christian homes, and spare no one but corrupt them all”

Soni called on his followers to mobilise at least 50,000 people for an attack on March 1, 2025, explicitly stating that Christian families would be targeted, their leaders executed, and any trace of their faith erased from the region

In a widely circulated video, he calls for the public humiliation, stripping, raping, and killing of Christian men, women, and children

“I have got the support of the administration, this is enough for me,” he claimed

In his Facebook post, he also referred to Shankaracharya Avimukteshwaranand Saraswati’s speech at Prayagraj, where it was declared that Hindus must “kill all Christians, and none should be spared”

Avimukteshwaranand called for 1,000 Hindus to rise and “slay those who slay our mother cow. Do not ask for the death penalty for cow slayers—kill them and ask for the death penalty for yourselves. Do not wait for the law to act”



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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