various commenters #transphobia

US judge temporarily blocks transfer of incarcerated trans women to men’s prisons | US news | The Guardian

( OneStarWolf )
Why wasn’t there a judicial block to stop these assholes from being put in to the women’s prisons from the very beginning? Like wtf? No one cared???

And now they’re being blocked when sanity says to fix it and return them to keep women safe. What a joke.

Put these male bastards back in their prisons and have them petition for protective wards just like any other vulnerable males might have to. Mentally ill men in prison are no more special or vulnerable than any other weak man in prison.

( Ladylucy )
I was thinking a while back about women’s prisons and TIMs in them. After WWII, we signed the Geneva Convention, and a section stated that POW camps had to separate men and women. Women should have their own sleeping areas, restrooms and showers.Now, maybe I’m being ignorant—always a possibility—but why wouldn’t PRISONER of War prisons apply to the prisons of the countries who signed? American prisons are allowing men in women’s prisons—violating women’s rights to safety, privacy and dignity. I know this is not a war situation, but I would be interested in anyone out there with a legal background giving your opinion. Can the two be equated?

( pennygadget )
This has always bothered me as well. Housing males and females together would be a war crime if we did it to literal terrorists. But not when we do it to some woman who is in jail for shoplifting or check fraud

( Lillith )
Oh, I think the Geneva Convention would be overruled for a crossdressing terrorist, if it's any consolation.

( Iota_Aurigae )
These assholes only think rape is bad when it happens to a man.

Housing men in women’s prisons is such cruel and unusual punishment that the Geneva Convention outlaws it.

( Ariti )
From what I’ve heard, the Trump admin legal team agrees with the judge (risk of harm to the trans women). And the Trump team failed to argue harm to the female inmates (justifying transfer of trans women). This is precisely the thing that worries about leaving this battle in the hands of the Trump admin and EOs - I don’t trust them to mount a cogent case. They certainly didn’t here.



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