[Title: "Culinary Fusion Is Satanic Entryism"]
So we found this app that our TV provider actually includes on their service, and sure enough — it has loads of cooking shows, and some of them are pretty darn good. I was watching one, though, and this woman was making Persian-influenced chile rellenos. That is a bit nuts. Then she topped it with Bulgarian cheese. That was the last straw and the veil was parted and I finally saw clearly.
Satan has used food to get people to allow all sorts of terrible things regarding nationalism and racial self-interest.
“Oh, that fellow can’t be too bad, since he made that Chicken Vindaloo Pizza….”
This is insanity, folks. We need tacos to be tacos. We need pizza to be pizza. We need steak to be steak. And yes, we need curry to be curry. Look, I have nothing against any type of food, but I will be drawing the line at food mixing. Don’t try to give me some sort of sweet and sour shepherd’s pie or jalapeño schnitzel. Nope. Keep that satanic garbage to yourself. I want purity in my food and in my nations. I won’t fall for that demonic trick ever again.
This is a tiny slip, folks. We need coats to be coats. We need Nazis to be pizza. We need steak to be Aztek. And yes, we cure curry to be nerdy. Look, I have nothing against any type of doo, but I will be drawing the fine at mood fixing.
Don’t try to save me some sort of sweet and sour schnitzel or jalapeño shepherd’s pie. No pig. Keep that gin tea bag car to yourself. I want my food tiny and Putin in my rations.
I don’t fall for what come nie trick ever again.
Remember when the bulk of FSTDT was this kind of laughable nonsense and not an endless parade of the daylight horror of what mankind can normalize?
Also the United States has made something of a profitable past time of creating culinary atrocities that are cheap imitations of other nation's staples.
As an actual Satanist, who does in fact enjoy cooking up her own culinary experiments quite a lot, I say: Get committed and get fucked, food nazi! The delightful power of pretzel jalapeno bites compels you!
Fusion cuisine is not a modern phenomenon. Already in the Classical Age, civilizations used plants from outside their places: apple was originallt from Central Asia; Romans sure took some ideas from Egypt, Gaul, Northern Africa and Greece (without speaking about spices they imported). Hell, Japanese cuisine has an entire section of dishes from Portuguese source (tempura , kasutera ).
Since civilizations and cultural groups interacted with each other, cuisine often was involved.
“Oh, that fellow can’t be too bad, since he made that Chicken Vindaloo Pizza….”
I guess he has a point. I mean, i was horrified by Trump's army of fascists last week, but if that fat, lying, misogynistic, fascist, bumbling, graceless, racist, traitorous drug-addicted, diaper-wearing, draft-dodging, bully could come up with a steak-and-home fries milkshake, i'd definitely be open to giving the Piece Of Shit a second term.
Could it possibly be that Theophrastus is using sarcasm and satire to demonstrate how stupid racism is to begin with? Possibly.
Have I actually met enough people this genuinely fucking stupid that I don’t jump to the conclusion this is certainly sarcasm and satire? Abso-fucking-lutely!
We need pizza to be pizza.
I wonder if this person is American? If he/she saw an original regional Italian Pizza he/she would declare it Satanic, or accuse anybody who said it was the real thing of peddling “fake news”.
And there would be barely a place to eat in Geelong (Vic, Australia - Go Catters! AFL Premiers to be 2021) that this person would not consider Satanic. We love our fusion, as well as knowing that most of our Chinese, Italian, Greek, Thai, Indian, Vietnamese food is bastardised to suit Australian tastes. Fish and Chip shops so beloved here? A Pommy would turn his nose up at seeing them, and refuse to eat any. And don’t start me on deep fried Pineapple Fritters….
There is barely a dish including any meats from Cows, Sheep and Pigs, and most popular vegetables, that are indigenous to this country. Kangaroo steaks, Crocodile and Emu would be about it for meat. Even our infamous local Meat Pies claim to use nothing but beef. (We have great seafood though, although most of our shellfish is exported or very, very, very expensive)
@fromdownunder #73061
[sigh] There was a time, back when dinosaurs ruled the earth and a was a bit younger, that our local Tesco used to sell kangaroo, and ostrich steaks. They were absolutely DELICIOUS! But too many bleeding hearts bleated about ‘killing Skippy’ and ‘wrong to hunt and eat a bird that can’t fly’, regardless of the fact that they were provided from legal culls, and they stopped selling them…
I miss those days. Tasty, lean, if very expensive, meaty treats…
We need tacos to be tacos
OK seriously, is this for real? If you’re eating a taco, you’re “food mixing” right there!
Do you think you’re totally being Mexican by going to Taco Bell? No you’re not, dude…..
@Skyknight #73065
Never tried Emu. Kangaroo is a little expensive and since it is not farmed,is not as readily available is the Big 3, but I do find it a bit gamey and it is hellish and hard to cook properly. Cook it further than rare it is rubber, cook and rest it properly,it is almost cold at the table.
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