various commenters #wingnut #racist

( @Nature_and_Race )
I've yet to see a single Palestinian say "free America" or "free Europe" or "free the West".

In fact, I have yet to see any of the alleged pro-Whites shouting "free Palestine" say any of the above either.

I'm pro-White. I care about White people - first, last, and only. My people are White people. And no one cares about my people, except for people like me - pro-Whites.

Browns don't give a damn about White people, so I don't see any reason why White people should give a damn about browns.

( @The_White_Warrior )
@Nature_and_Race Isn’t it an interesting phenomenon- that Whites care more about other races and nations than they do about their own. Too virtuous…our greatest weakness that is being exploited.

( @mcoffman )
@Nature_and_Race As a WN, the only reason I have "From the river to the sea..." in my bio is because I want to see them wipe Israel off the face of the planet, not because I actually care.

( @Speargift )
@Nature_and_Race I agree. But I look at cheering on the muzz as a tactical thing, here. Realpolitik.

( @WesternShill )
@Speargift @Nature_and_Race Realpolitik didn't work out too well for Germany regarding muh based non Whites

( @LeeSutterlin )
@Nature_and_Race I only type "Free Palestine" because some jew said it means kill all the jews. I truly don't care what happens to them, as long as they are not shipped to White countries. White Power!

( @Schkoda_Fahrer )
@Nature_and_Race the Palestinians are right, it's their land and they should fight and expell the Jews from it.

But I don't care about them. If this part of the desert is inhabited by rats or cockroaches doesn't make a difference.

( @Intrusive_Thoughts )

The only upside to these events is people showing their true colors and they’re not White.

( @RoosterRidgeRescueRanch )

I think most of us pro-Whites are simply happy that ANY group is actively fighting and killing jews...

Perhaps we should be taking notes?

( @Angry_Boomer )
@Nature_and_Race i mean i agree but i can support Palestine atm simply because they kill jews and show kike atrocities to the whole world and that helps Whites.

( @HungarianRevolution1956 )
@Angry_Boomer @Nature_and_Race and it's fun to say and piss off jews. 😁



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