various commenters #transphobia

RE: Moderation Is Not the Same Thing as Surrender. Democrats do not, in fact, face a choice between championing trans rights and completely abandoning them. - The Atlantic

( ArtemisCitrine )
On the contrary, I think TRAs are correct that moderation is not possible. Once you keep boys out of girls sports, you've admitted that trans-girls aren't really girls. Chait exhorts the Dems to, in effect, cherry pick where they'll pretend that TIMs are women and where they won't pretend. Chait doesn't see that the cherry-picking goes on forever: why should TIMs be allowed in women's restrooms, locker rooms, shared hospital rooms, rape crisis shelters, domestic violence shelters, La Leche breastfeeding support groups.....

( pennygadget )
Well said.

The core of trans ideology (and TIMs specifically) is the colonization of female-only spaces. They have already made it clear that they won't settle for their own third spaces. They won't compromise. They want unfettered access to ALL women's spaces and opportunities. And once you deny them one space (like, let's say, sharing prison cells with women), you're already admitting that their claims to be women are bullshit. So it doesn't make sense to compromise on smaller things like letting them into the bathroom or letting them change their IDs to "female"

It really is all or nothing

( Wokeuplate )
In addition to all the direct harm this ideology causes, I resent that it necessitates me being so stridently, virulently “extremist” in that my conclusion is always “No, there is no compromise. No, there is no middle ground. No, there isn’t even an inch that I can budge.” It is all fake, all a lie, all destructive. There are no redeeming elements, not one. If I heard someone speak this way, I would write them off as a kook, or worse. But with this ideology, there is no choice. It has to be #holdtheline and #noquartergiven.

( worried19 )
The problem is that fervent TRAs do not want compromise or moderation. It's all or nothing with them. They would rather see all their progress go up in flames than make reasonable concessions. Purity-driven ideology is simply unsustainable when you are asking the American public to believe in biological impossibilities and act as though the two sexes do not exist.




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