Andrew Anglin #racist #homophobia #wingnut
[From "Elon Retweets Twitter Safety Jew Who is Banning N-Word Sayer Accounts"]
That disgusting house nigger LeBron James was whining that people were saying nigger on Twitter[…]
What insecurity?
Imagine being a famous multimillionaire celebrity and going around with hurt feelings because people said a mean word[…]
Just a thought: maybe it wouldn’t hurt his feelings so bad if he didn’t look like a prehistoric ape?[…]
It says in the Constitution I have a right to nigger, and I will nigger as I darn well please without this nigger getting in my darn business
Apparently, there is still some Jew working at Twitter’s “Trust and Safety” (I assumed this department was abolished), and Elon retweeted him saying that everyone who was saying nigger got banned[…]
In the last 48 hours, we’ve gone from “wow, we’re going to have free speech back!” to “oh, this doesn’t look good, he’s talking about a council” to now “he’s officially announcing there won’t be any free speech and he’s celebrating Jews banning people”
This is disgusting and evil. It was pure evil for Elon to claim he was bringing back freedom of speech and then go full Jew
I said that people shouldn’t go just spam the n-word on Twitter, but someone was going to do it regardless[…]Who cares about that? Some whinny ball-chucker? Tell him to man up and stop acting like a little pussy faggot going around whining about people hurting his feelings
Is there anything gayer than a big gay nigger whining about his feelings?[…]
I have so many blacks that read this website and think it’s funny when I use mean words. How would someone care? Why would they care?
Can you imagine caring that blacks are saying “cracker” or “honkey” or that Moslems are calling you their various slurs?[…]
Anyway, yeah – looks like the “free Twitter” thing was a bust. There is no way to defend Elon coming out and saying he’s banning “trolls” for saying the n-word