Fighting Monarch #conspiracy #crackpot #transphobia #wingnut #racist

The Illuminati have a long history of assassinating presidents they don’t like.
Abraham Lincoln was the first, as John Wilkes Booth took him out.
Twenty years later it was President Garfield.
Twenty years later it was President McKinley.
Then they gave their stooge, Woodrow Wilson, a stroke.
Then they took out Franklin Roosevelt.
Then they took out President Kennedy.
They tried to kill Ronald Reagan, but he survived the shooting.
Sometimes they use bullets; but as the deaths of Wilson and Roosevelt indicate, they can also kill with poison or a blast from a directed energy weapon.
Or they can force a resignation as they did with Nixon.
I bet it won’t be long until Joe Biden dies of a stroke or a heart attack, or is forced to resign.
NWO wants Kamala Harris in the Oval Office.
During and after her parents’ divorce, she grew up in two hubs of mind control, Stanford University, where her father taught, and McGill University, where her mother worked.
Both of these places had an enormous amount of MK-ULTRA activity, so Kamala Harris must have been brainwashed.
No wonder Harris says people can choose their own “gender,” as she supported Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s “guidance” on “transgender” students, co-sponsoring the federal “Equality Act,” and creating a special “Hate Crimes Unit” in San Francisco.
No wonder Harris supported the Green New Deal, which is nothing but code for the New World Order.
No wonder Harris opposed the “muslim travel ban” and no wonder she supports a flood of illegal immigrants, through which NWO seeks to destroy our national boundaries and rape our women.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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