dobby & CryingInYourInbox #transphobia


( dobby )
These TIMs brag about becoming “weaker” (or faking being weak) and fetishize the terrifying feeling of helplessness that biological women feel when we’re reminded of our physical limitations. They treat it like a joke.

I hate them so much. I hate all males.

( CryingInYourInbox )
This is why males taking HRT should be illegal. You shouldn't be allowed to make yourself weaker on purpose

( dobby )
Honestly I don’t really care if males are taking HRT, especially if it makes them weaker or sterilizes them. I’m not okay with tax-payers footing the bill for their fetish or the strain that these cosmetic procedures put on the healthcare system, or with these males thinking that taking HRT allows them into women’s spaces.



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