jeeperspeepersyo #crackpot #sexist #transphobia
How can I learn to accept that society is penis obsessed, that even straight men talk about, draw & appreciate large penises more than they do vaginas, that oral sex is not common on women due to vaginas being unappreciated & that penises are fetishized a lot, so straight men like women with penises
How do most women accept these things and not feel inadequate, insecure or sexually of less value? How do they still feel attracted to men and have sexual desire?
I read about people saying those things on Reddit for example a lot and I have been told them by people on my Facebook friend's list a lot. Men and women and even more women. Even liberal men.
The focus and fetish for men who are into trans women is their penis, the focus and fetish for men who are into women with vaginas is the boobs and butts, not the vagina.
I have also been told by feminists that women have to beg for oral sex especially in certain cultures and with young men and that it's also because society sees vaginas are gross, unclean, fishy, taboo. While penises are not so. And that gay men are more openly negatively insulting & disgusted by vaginas than lesbians are by penises. Because penises are more normalised, default and sexualised.
Is it normal to be sad that society is penis obsessed and that straight men are even penis obsessed, and that vaginas come after penises, boobs and butts?