Vic Biorseth #fundie #wingnut #racist #forced-birth #conspiracy
I submit that there is no difference between Onan spilling his seed on the ground and a man using a condom, or a woman taking drugs of infertility, or the committing of sodomy, or any other method of sexual perversion.
Human sexual perversion is human species suicide.
In Judeo-Christian thought artificial contraception is abortion.
The Marxocrat Party and other Marxists, like the Marxist USCCB and other "Bergoglio Catholics", use the perversion-caused low birth rate in America to promote the unlimited illegal migration of foreigners into America, because our declining population is a recognized death knell to our national economy.
Abortion, artificial contraception and sexual perversion are the main tools of Materialism with which to destroy Monotheism. Acceptance of Artificial Contraception marked the single most destructive turning point in the history of Western Culture, marking the end of moral norms, foretelling eventual cultural tolerance of anything at all.
To that end, the Marxocrat Party and the Bergoglio Catholics uplift artificiality and suppress nature, and glorify this world while trivializing, glossing over and ignoring the next.
They conspire together to do that.
President Trump 47 can undo all of that, if he will. Just as he started a political snowball rolling downhill toward a high court decision on the question of anchor babies, he could issue an executive order defining unborn babies to be living human beings. And then just let the opposition go nuts, file lawsuit after lawsuit and let the matter wind its way through the system to wind up before the Supreme Court.
After all, the DNA says it is human, and cell-division says it is alive.
And simple common sense, all by itself, says the exact same thing.
All that the American nation naturally needs is exactly what all that American families naturally need: to make more American babies.
Pray for President Trump, and start celebrating human life again.