They Left spent 4 years claiming Trump was not their President, except, he LITERALLY is. Now they are saying that Joe Biden is President-elect, except, he LITERALLY is NOT. Leftists either have no idea how government works, or they are severely media-brainwashed and deluded.
They Lef Right spent 4 years claiming Trump was their best President ever, except, he LITERALLY is NOT. Now they are saying that Joe Biden is not President-elect, except, he LITERALLY is. Lef Rightists either have no idea how government works, or they are severely media-brainwashed and deluded.
I dislike the "not my president" narrative. I disliked it when people spend eight years claiming that about Bush Jr. Eight years claiming that about Obama and the last four years people spent saying it about Trump. Rather you voted for him or not he is still your president. You can question how he won but he still one.
And on January 20th Biden will be president.
Except that, you know, last time Trump literally lost the popular vote and this time Biden won both that and the electoral college. It seems to me you’re the one who doesn’t understand how a democratic government works…
"They Left spent 4 years claiming Trump was not their President, except, he LITERALLY is."
No, he literally isn't. TRUMP only tries to president for the ststes that voted for him. He steals PPE from states that don't kiss his ass, to sell them to states that do.
He could not care any less about me for
1) being in a blue state
2) voting against him
3) holding him accountable
4) having been a "loser" and/or a "sucker."
OTHER American presidents havd provided emergency support to Americans because they're Americans. Trump would let Calif burn to the ground and think merely that this is how politics is played.
The "Not my President" is alright, depending how you use it.
Trump isn't "MY" president in that I would not endorse him, agree with him on policy, or respect him in any sense.
Trump is "THE" president of the United States and I honestly wished that he could have done a good job.
Just because you don't like it respect your boss doesn't mean they aren't. It's the people who take it to such an extreme that are an issue. Of course, with how the GOP has been, even the expected compromise and working with people you disagree with part of politics is fucked, so there is that as well.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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