This is just another example of what the right consider to be ‘Owning The Libs’:
"Owning the libs" is a political strategy used by some conservatives in the United States that focuses on upsetting American liberals. Users of the strategy emphasize and expand upon culture war issues intended to be divisive to provoke a reaction in others
The strategy of owning the libs has been criticized by both liberal and conservative observers as an unsuccessful strategy, or as leading only to counterproductive Pyrrhic victory
In her book Troll Nation, Amanda Marcotte argues that owning the libs is so central to the political right that any effort to show care and concern for the well-being of others, or even for oneself, is viewed as suspiciously liberal. She gives the example of "rolling coal" — modifying a pickup truck to produce clouds of black smoke. Exhaust from rolling coal is sometimes directed at drivers of fuel-efficient cars and cyclists, in order to offend their presumed liberal environmentalist values. Marcotte argues that rolling coal has no value outside of trolling liberals, yet it costs the coal-roller money, and also increases fuel consumption, can void the warranty, and may violate air-pollution laws
In 2020, Paul Waldman wrote that "hatred of liberals is all that's left of conservatism."
…and in every instance of rightards’ ‘attempts’ to own us, it utterly fails: from it simply falling flat from a pathetic comeback from a Nazi in 4chan’s /pol/, to the above example where it affects the pickup ‘modder’ far worse legally & financially, and finally the OP. I’d say it’s gonna blow up in his own face, but that’s the least of his problems when he gets reacquainted with his dinner: and explosively too.
More like implode in his own guts as in Soviet America, Botulism eats you.
Certainly owns you.
So continue to ‘own’ us by thinking our cooking of meat is wrong, Shawniepoo. But then, it’s not we libs who’ll be pooing & barfing our way to a Darwin Award.