Jennifer Bilek #transphobia

“A woman is anyone who says they’re a woman.”
“No one is hurt” by women and girls no longer having the word to describe ourselves.
“No one is hurt” by our erasure.
“No one is hurt” by assimilating the sexes into one another and erasing the boundary around our sex.
“This is just about freedom of expression.”
“It’s not a big deal.”

Not a big deal for women. Not a big deal for society or children.

Men in women’s safe spaces and jails.
Men in women’s sports.
The erasure of females in language, including when it is language pertaining to our specific biology (even women pretending to be men are made invisible behind beards and are virtually silent in society).
Men taking women’s scholarships in women’s universities.
Men taking women’s positions in women’s colleges.
Men taking women’s awards and accomplishments.
Men’s sexual and violent crimes being registered as female crimes, including pedophilia.
Men bullying, slandering, doxing, and getting women fired for calling out their massive gaslighting MRA campaign without any accountability.
Men not only speaking over women, or for women, but now speaking as women.
Men violating the physical integrity of female biology via technology.

It’s “no big deal.”

Piers Morgan clashes with female US presidential candidate over trans id... via




So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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