Judy Byington/SGAnon #conspiracy #wingnut #ufo #crackpot #mammon operationdisclosureofficial.com
The First Constitution of the United States of America Known as
The Articles of Confederation
Was Authored by Congress on Nov. 15 1777
President Trump Will Make a Special Announcement on Nov. 15 2022
Sabotage Threat:
Midterms Were Infiltrated
Trust the Plan
The initial plan from Space Force was to remove Biden in Jan. 2020 – but there were two nukes that were going to be un-leased on the American people if that happened.
Dates on the RV have been given that didn’t happen because of the need for Sting Operations to catch the Cabal.
2022 Election Fraud has been reported from all over the country.
NESARA was signed into law by Bill Clinton at gunpoint, but he refused to implement it, as did other presidents, until Donald Trump.
The Supreme Court sat on $16 trillion dollar slush fund to implement NESARA.
NESARA is a template for World Peace. It will completely remove the Cabal’s ability to rule over society.
On Feb. 4 2014 Trump signed an EO to implement NESARA.
The Trump Presidency was a legal coup against the Deep State.
The QFS will make corruption impossible – an extremely large portion of the wealth confiscated from the Deep State will be used in Humanitarian efforts.
JFK Jr. is alive.
Hillary Clinton died Dec. 31 2018 at 9:05 pm at GITMO Camp Delta. Trump witnessed the hanging.
Military Tribunals have taken place at the White House in Washington DC, Buckingham Palace in London, at GITMO and two other locations.
George W Bush has been executed – shortly after the funeral of his father.
Each of the cards at the Bush funeral contained a summons to Military Tribunals.
Michael Obama was a male.
The Obamas have been detained and saved for later Event.
Epstein is not dead yet.
Walmart has been bankrupted, with assets seized.
95% of the tunnel children have been rescued.
Med Beds are real and have been used on the rescued traumatized human trafficked children and their rescuers.