Ken Ham #fundie

Part 1 of 2 Parts:

Christians and atheists have beliefs. But which beliefs are the right ones?

I have found that atheists by and large are either blinded to their own presuppositions or they refuse to acknowledge them! I find most just can’t bring themselves to point of acknowledging they have beliefs, in fact a religion. And they are good at propaganda. They spread the narrative that Christians have a belief, a religion, but atheism is scientific fact! The reality is that atheists have a blind faith the lacks credulity, but Christians have a faith that makes sense of the facts around us.

A well-known atheist in the USA was interviewing me in my office concerning the creation/evolution issue and the book of Genesis. The conversation went something like this:

“So you admit that you start with the Bible?” she said to me.

“Yes, of course,” I replied.

“And you are not prepared to change anything the Bible states, are you?” she asked.

“No,” I said. “The Bible’s statements concerning creation, the Flood, and so on are not subject to change—God’s Word cannot be altered. Models based on the bible are subject to change, but what the bible clearly states is not subject to change.”



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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