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RE: Ukraine - the future incel kingdom

Foids from slavcountries are all attracted to money, that's why I told incels hundreds of times that they can get an ukraine pussy easy. I don't want it because I am volcel, but if I was an incel offidoffi oneitis teenlove validation ponywaifu tradwaifu addict I would simply take an EE femoid, since it is extremely easy to get one, everybody can get it, my neighbor has one and he's just a boomer with a pension.

True, some guy on /pol/ pointed out that none of the Ukrainain whores are coming back they will stay in Poland or Germany and fuck Chads/Chadulah/Tyrone. Dumb fucking Ukrainian retardcels fighting for a kike controlled country, they did it to themselves. As Bill Greathouse would say it's their own damn fault (for electing jews to rule over them). They will have more virgin men that are young, than Japan.



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