Vic Biorseth #racist #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy

The always anti-American Political Party of slavery, the Confederacy, "Segregation Forever", the KKK, the Black Codes and Jim Crow laws - the Democrat Party - hit on something big when they discovered the power of the term "Racial Discrimination" and weaponized it. It was during the MLK - Selma - Kennedy - Castro - Che Guevara - Vietnam - Hippy years that they switched sides, began blaming the Republicans for all the Democrat racial sins of the past, and began going totally Marxist.

Projection is the appropriate term for the new Marxocrat Party's main political policy; whatever terrible things they accuse the Republicrats of doing, you may rest assured that they themselves are doing them.
t's a thousand and one smaller revolutions within the larger national revolution, which is within a still larger international revolution; the movement toward and into the globalist, communist, New World Order.

It isn't just racial discrimination any more. It's near open warfare against psychologically demonized and politically applied faux misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, white people, the Bible, Christianity, the natural order of things and simple morality.
Diversity is not our strength. Diversity is a political weapon being wielded against all of us. Diversity politically turns us all against each other for no good reason.
Social destabilization is the setup for establishing the police state.

"Diversity is our strength" is a Marxist revolutionary lie.
When you ask for proof of their screwball theories they trot out all the Marxist professors, scientists and supposedly learned know-it-alls as their "proof" that, since they all believe it, it must be true.

That's how they do science. Democratically. They take a vote on it. Whoever has the most elitist votes wins the scientific contest.

If NASA and EPA and UN "experts" say so, it must be scientific.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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