The year is 2037. Trump has been president for over 20 years. Congress has impeached him 736 times, all of which were complete BS and failed.
Uh, Siggy, sweetie… even if impeachment fails again, Chump will be in prison due to all the other Legal Eagles ready to swoop in and I doubt you can hold ANY office if you’re a prison inmate. Since he’s old and out-of-shape, he’ll probably be dead before his sentence is up.
Oh good grief, when I called Castor's rambling a campaign ad the universe took it as a challenge. His video rebuttals are campaign style edits set to music! I'd say he couldn't be more thoroughly mocking the whole concept of the impeachment and his specific role as a lawyer if he were putting all his effort into it but I think we all know at this point the universe has a long succession of beers to ask me to hold while the next act is rolled out.
...meanwhile the year is 2021, and Joe Biden has been President for over 20 days.
Even now, Donald Fart only walks to & from its golf cart: while the current president has a Peloton exercise device. As a previous president - and fellow Catholic - John F. Kennedy said:
Nothing compares to the simple pleasure of a bike ride
Donald Fart's 'Terrific Guy' Bozo the Clown is all for Cycling: all the extra cycle lanes built here in Britain in the last year.
You know where this is going, OP: Exercise & Diet.
The White House chefs no doubt welcome the new President with the obviously healthy options the recipient of their culinary creations will enjoy: as opposed to between 20th January 2017 and a few hours before said over 20 days ago. One word: Hamberders. 20 years from now, you say...?!
Oh no more, please Mr. Wilde, I am bereft of ribs! [/Doug Piranha-levels of sarcasm]
The year is 2037. Trumpers still insist that Trump won the 2020 election, but fell victim to voter fraud. They’ve had lawsuits to get the Biden presidency declared illegitimate and that all the time Biden was in the White House, Trump was the REAL president, thrown out of court 736 times as the complete BS it is.
“The year is 2037. Trump has been president for over 20 years”
Does he make public appearances any more? Or just sit behind a really big microphone and make speeches? Because i really can’t see that fat fuck lasting another 20 years, even if he did avoid prison. He’s probably stuffed, mounted, and Ivanka writes his speeches.
"Congress has impeached him 736 times,”
That’s about 3 times a month, for year-long sessions. I guess after teh first ten, they could kinda stream-line it.
Right after the opening prayer by the chaplain, they just list the impeachment of the day…
“ all of which were complete BS and failed.”
So cute that you think the treasonous, racist, grifting, embezzling, lying, lying, lying rapist is innocent.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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