Jean-Charles Moyen #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot

Jean-Charles Moyen served as a captain of a squad team of research and rescue in a 20 year and back program abord the Solaris in Solar Warden which had a mix of both USA/FRENCH officers. He recalls working along with extraterrestrials and conducting missions as a Super Soldier in Off-World Ops in the ULTIMA TACTICAL TEAM Matricule 777 unit. Jean-Charles will start off by sharing some of his early childhood experiences which would later groom him for his role in the secret space program. Jean-Charles is currently producing the documentaries South Shore Origin 1 and 2 with Michael Salla; which investigates two special agents in the unsolved cases division dealing with UFO’s and extraterrestrial abductions. He has also been featured in the documentary Connexion Alien which documents his close contacts of the 3rd 4th and 5th kind; and Revelations of a Starseed Parts 1 and 2 which documents eye witnesses and scientific evidence of Jean Charles experiences. Jean-Charles currently resides in Québec, Canada and has over 30 years experience in Hollywood special effects. He is also an expert in Martial Arts Ninjutsu Martial Arts and has been trained in International Close Protection.



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