QuantumInnovator #crackpot #fundie deviantart.com

I made this because I noticed that people are making nice lists and naughty lists of their most liked and most hated fictional characters. Several people have placed Judge Claude Frollo from The Hunchback Of Notre Dame on their naughty lists, and rightfully so. Frollo killed thousands of innocent bystanders by locking them in their homes and burning them alive just so he could apprehend and execute Esmeralda. Frollo is the most dangerous villain in a Disney animated movie because of this.

However, I am very deeply disturbed to see that many people have placed another mass murderer who did the exact same thing (albeit on a smaller scale) on their nice lists. I am speaking of Carrie White. Only three people had anything to do with rigging the prom queen election and dumping the bucket of pig blood. However, Carrie incinerated dozens of people who had absolutely nothing to do with what Billy Nolan and Chris Hartgensen did. Carrie White is no better than Judge Frollo from a moral standpoint. Carrie White isn't a hero-she's a monster!

Long story short, if you hate Judge Frollo, you should also hate Carrie White.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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