Dear Mr. President - We support you invoking the Insurrection Act. Please deploy the military. Initiate mass arrests. This is the option that solves all of the issues. Defeat the Deep State all at once. We support a short period of Military rule. Give us back our Republic.
How in the friggin’ hell do Insurrection Act, martial law, mass arrests, and Military rule in any way mean a Republic? Are these guys even aware that what they want (a fascist, totalitarian dictatorship) is NOT the definition of a Republic?
Also, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: IF the “deep state” truly is a thing, then Trump would be the embodiment of everything it meant, NOT its antithesis.
@Timjer #69000
I don’t think they understand any of that. They appear to be developing their own separate definitions of the following words:
Fascism: whatever liberals are doing, regardless of what it actually is.
Democracy: right wingers getting their way every time.
Republic: the places where Republicans live.
Socialism: whatever is bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD EEEEEVVVVVVIIIIIILLLLLLL!!!!!
This is an approximation, and there are definitely many other words they are redefining, I just can’t think of them right now.
ETA: Deep state: political views they disagree with.
Pedophile/pedo: person they disagree with.
ETA2: Military rule: we get to go beat up liberals!!
These are the people that fearmonger day and night about tyrannical government. The ones that insist public healthcare will lead to democracy disappeaing somehow, prosecution of hate speech and death threats will herald secret police more concerned with political correctness than stated intention to violate the rights of others, and any restriction whatsoever of the ability to kill each other in the streets means the army will rush in and start doing it for no real reason.
They support the guy suppressing freedom of speech and especially the press, the guy that deployed black bag squads and fumes that nobody let him send soldiers with orders to use deadly force, and is flagrantly trying to undo democracy by throwing out the votes and simply appointing electors loyal to him before a constitution he holds in contempt.
And he's surrounded by crooks who enable it all for thin personal gain tossing law to the wayside because they know that they don't have to fear reprisal and certainly not the possibility of a pack of demented lunatics murdering them the same way anyone that defies Glorious Leader does.
@Yutolia #69004
Hmmm, you know, when you use those (fake) definitions, most of what fundies say almost makes sense. Almost.
We support a short period of Military rule. Give us back our Republic.
Would that result in a Military Republic? Where dissenters are abducted, often in the middle of the night, from their homes and taken to secret internment camps?
Where they possibly get tortured to get them to falsely confess to something criminal, false confessions that’ll later be used as basis for prison sentences to cover up their status as political prisoners?
And if they don’t survive the torture or just get extrajudicially executed, their bodies are dumped into the sea from planes or helicopters?
Give us back our Republic.
You forgot the “banana”.
And military juntas are well-known for always trying to hand back the power to the civilians and, once they took the road to brutal repression, they are well known for stopping it and not purge part of their supporters to remove any challenge to their rule, aren’t they?
@Malingspann #69014
It would also result in a state where very few people are actually allowed to vote, or travel freely, or travel abroad, all communications monitored on a routine basis and all access to information about the outside world is very, very limited. You could reasonably expect to be able to leave the country only with a valid exit visa, because if just anyone can escape your military dictatorship, then it really isn’t a military dictatorship, now, is it?
Think North Korea, only with Talibangelicals in charge, and the state security agents speak with Alabama drawls.
The millitary is not going to support Trump. Plenty of generals don't like Trump, many soldiers don't like Trump. Biden got a surprisingly high number of military votes.
The Military option will fail just like the SCOTUS option failed.
This is beyond sad at this point.
The military will shoot Pig Vomit the bird, should he give them an order like that. Then they may very well shoot him literally.
I guess he shouldn’t flapped the puckered face anus he calls his mouth about “his” generals not knowing anything, & how enlisted personnel, active or retired, are losers & suckers. If he wants to see losers & suckers, all he has to do is have another one of his pointless circle jerks/superspreader events.
OP: You traitorous, seditious idiots are the ones who deserve the rope - and that's most true for Cheetolini, who should be dragged through the streets by his heels.
He lost the election. Even the SCOTUS Trump stacked won't hear his ridiculous lies about voter fraud, and nor will they help him commit a real fraud against the Republic.
Nor would the military.
At this point, I’m ready to just kick Alabama out of the union, make Trump its monarch, and just let nature take its course.
Keep jerkin' yer gherkin to "Olympus Has Fallen" in the now more than vain dope... er, I mean 'hope' that in doing so - to your now sixth copy in your thirteenth DVD player, you worn out so many - it'll somehow become a documentary, OP: but not today.
Least of all between tomorrow and one second after 12 midday 20th January 2021.
"We support a short period of Military rule."
Yeah right. You probably can't even stand to wear a mask to get groceries. You realize military rule will probably mean inconveniences for you too, right?
More Things You Have To Believe To Be A Republican Today:
Tyranny: Being forced to wear a mask during a pandemic. Freedom-Loving Patriotism: Declaring martial law and nullifying the results of an election that you lost.
Not only will that not work, it would cause most of whatever shaky support he had from Republicans to vanish.
Along with that, Democrats and the vast majority of Indepenents would probably call for treason charges at that point, and the Republicans may very well let them do it.
@Yutolia #69004
Trumpers identify democracy as getting their own way every time because they believe the majority of Americans think the same way they do AND that their views are based in reality and righteousness. They believe the number of ‘good god-fearing Trump-respecting conservatives’ outweigh the number of commie liberal scum (not counting, of course, anyone who is neither Republican nor Democrat), and even if they didn’t, that the ‘other team’ is invalid due to any number of reasons, like being made up of illegal aliens, or people on welfare, or people of color, or gay people. Therefore, any situation in which liberals win must have been foul play/theft/fraud/etc.
@pbandjealous #69257
[All-Caps due to extreme emphasis, not to be an annoying idiot.]
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