Charlie Kirk #conspiracy #wingnut

Imagine being in President Trump’s shoes for a moment on J6 as you get word the Capitol is getting swarmed…

- You were considered a near lock to be a two-term president in February of 2020

- You delivered one of the best economies ever seen for 3 years before China unleashed a lab grown virus on the planet

- You warned states repeatedly of the dangers of mass mail-in voting, but Democrats forced the measures through anyways

- You watched as election officials caved to COVID fear mongering to relax election integrity measures violating election laws and state Constitutions

- You witness 51 “intelligence officials” collude with Big Tech to censor a bombshell story about a laptop that directly implicated Joe Biden

- You campaign tirelessly to sold-out arenas crisscrossing the country with historic enthusiasm

- Your opponent is a two-time failed candidate, disqualified for plagiarism, who barely survived the primary, and then barely left his basement during the campaign

- You win 74,222,958 votes, more than any other presidential candidate has ever won

- You learn that somehow 159,633,396 people voted, the largest turnout in U.S. history, breaking the previous record by 20 million votes — the first time more than 140 million people voted and the highest % turnout in 120 years

- You somehow “lose” by 42,000 votes in 3 states among a host of irregularities, drop box scandals, and controversies and despite winning practically every bellwether county and state



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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