C.T. and Michael Sugrue #racist #crackpot chechar.wordpress.com

[From "Nietzsche for dummies"]

History professor Michael Sugrue is a normie who reproaches Nietzsche, using Newspeak terms such as ‘anti-Semitism’, ‘racism’ and ‘misogyny’. But his speech could be useful for other normies who would like to be introduced to Nietzsche’s philosophy

After the 22nd minute of the above-linked speech, Sugrue said something very profound that is worth mentioning. I would paraphrase it thus:

Aryans are natural-born killers who have a natural desire to achieve power—will to power—; dominate other peoples even if that causes pain in the conquered. What happens when you frustrate this desire, for example when natural-born killers obey New Testament-derived ethical injunctions originally authored by Jews (Christians, secular westerners and even white nationalists follow Christian ethics)? Something happens in their collective unconscious. ‘When people are frustrated in that desire’, says Sugrue, ‘the consequence of that is that they decide to start imposing that pain upon themselves’—that is, Christian ‘consciousness’ or ‘guilt’

I would call it self-loathing to the point of ethnic suicide. The tragedy of the Aryan people, so well portrayed in Sugrue’s words, can be analogised to what I have said about depression (see pages 45-60 of my book Daybreak), and Colin Ross’s lecture on the aetiology of mental disorders (see pages 33-38 of Day of Wrath)



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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