Andrew Anglin #racist #dunning-kruger

[From “A Third of Americans Believe Immigrants are “Poisoning the Blood” of America”]

Trump presumably meant this as a metaphor

The people answering the poll, however, are answering a question from people who don’t think it’s a metaphor

The Guardian

A new poll has revealed that more than one-third of Americans agree with Donald Trump’s warning that undocumented immigrants in the US are “poisoning the blood” of America[…]
“This is a truly alarming situation to find this kind of rhetoric, find this kind of support from one of our two major political parties,” said Robert Jones, president and founder of the PRRI, during a presentation of the poll’s findings. “That language is straight out of Mein Kampf. This kind of poisoning the blood, it’s Nazi rhetoric”[…]

It doesn’t matter what Trump thinks. What matters is that people are getting the message. These people are an invasive plague, and they are degrading our racial heritage, weakening us genetically

This happened in Egypt and in India, as well as many other places throughout history. It takes a long time for a race to become great, but the blood of lesser races can pollute it very quickly

There is no path to redemption for the white race other than through the admission that Hitler was right

About everything



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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