Napoleon de Geso #sexist #racist

One more type of humanimals, who deserve to burn in one of deeper pits of hell: mongoloid cunts, who dont want to be fetishised

Not so deep as where biggest scum like pretty lithuanian females and overprotective daddies of teen girls belong, but still in one of deeper ones

Stupid mongoloid cunts, if you fetishised by fuckboy who pumps and dumps you - then being used by fuckboy is problem, whatever reasons he wanted your hole. And if being fetished by nice guy who wants to marry yoyu - then just be gratefull for having this great privilege, much greater than white men have being fetishised by some of your kind. How I "privileged white male" wish to have privilege of yours, to be admired and desired for my white beauty, and by hot ones of your kind, not uggies, or even worse - leeches, in what case it's not even fetishisation, but just exploatation. And so, being so white and beautifull, could just relax and rest my ass, because I'm just beautifull without necessity to do anything other than being kemono friend, so could be tang ping, could be even hikikomori, but still greatly desired, because I'm white and beautiful

And even more pisses me of your mongoloid stupidity, induced by Western feminist sjw degeneracies,, that I not even fetishiser of your kind, but of lolis, and you mongoloid cunts are just have more capabilities of being them, thats all. And I also fetishiser of good personality, girl being kemono friend comrade waifu of culture, what is opposite of hatefull toxic feminist sjw anti-fetishist cunt, as good waifu is only anti-chad and anti-fuckboy



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