Various Commenters #transphobia

RE: So tired of the "tru trans" folks trying to do damage control

( itsnotaboutewe )
Sometimes I think some of these old-school transsexuals like Blaire White, and AGPs like Debbie Hayton, are only pretending to be sort of on our side in the hope that if we are the crocodile that we will eat them last. Such people want to be the last trans standing. I have noticed recently that the more victories we win the more they try to walk back their helpfulness towards us. They are retreating further towards the type of transness they themselves were once highly critical of because they finally realise that any victory for us will ultimately be a loss for them. They are disingenuous at best.

( vulvapeople )
White seems like a contrarian in any case. If he didn't identify as trans, I could see him being another Milo Yiannopoulos.

I think Hayton and most other "reasonable" TIMs who cuddle up to "terfs" are looking for the ultimate form of validation -- getting a woman who doesn't buy into transgenderism to call them "she/her". Miranda Yardley is one of the very, very few trans-critical TIMs who doesn't seem to be playing that game.

( operaghost)

I think Hayton and most other "reasonable" TIMs who cuddle up to "terfs" are looking for the ultimate form of validation -- getting a woman who doesn't buy into transgenderism to call them "she/her".

THIS. Its just another form of narcissistic supply for them.

( ProxyMusic )
Jenn Smith too. Smith says he's a trans identified male. And he warns that in his view, calling any boy or man a kind of girl or woman - whether it be "transwomen" or" "trans woman" or "trans girl" - is extremely dangerous to women, girls and to young boys.

( doloresonthedottedline )
Jenn Smith is a bit eccentric but honestly I have a ton of respect for how much he focused on foster kids being pushed into transitioning.



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