various commenters #transphobia

they / them who shall not be named

( KWNiteWyvern )
High suicide rate is due to drumroll mental illness! Being Black or Jewish isn’t a mental illness. Believing that cross sex hormones and surgically removing healthy body parts will make you the opposite sex, is. Thanks for playing, redditor

( cranberrysalad )
The Jews at auschwitz and the slaves wanted to live, because others tried to kill them and destroy them. They fought back by living.

Trans people are worshipped and they are powerful. They have become the badge of virtue signalling rich assholes, politicians, and corporations. You’re not oppressed when your movement took steam 5 years ago and you have presidential cabinet members and federal politicians from your group. I think of Deb Harland, for whom Natives had to wait 400+ years to see in office, and Rachel AGP LePeen who was promoted instantly. Please.

Oh and also the suicide stats for trans people are grossly inflated and misrepresented so there’s that.

( Spencer_Shayy )
Even if the suicide rates of oppressed groups were high, we'd never use it to force people into silence and compliance. Look at the former gay rights movement. Our slogan was "It Gets Better" despite our supposedly high suicide rates. Meanwhile, the "trans" slogan is "do what we say, or we'll kill ourselves". Abusers, all of them.

( pennygadget )
Also, for people who are actually oppressed, suicide threats don't do any good. Can you imagine Black people in the Jim Crowe south threatening suicide if they didn't get civil rights? The White bigots in charge would just laugh and hand them some rope

( unrealityenjoyer )
That’s a good thing to remember. Feminists have never pulled the suicide card and women overwhelmingly attempt it more than men, are more depressed than men. The suicide threats are so male-coded.



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