cousinanger, neonbandit & IrishTheFrenchie #transphobia

RE: Trans Women are Tourists

( cousinanger )
Yes, interesting.

One trans activist (think it was Stryker) argued that trans women are refugees to the Women's Country, and TERFs are like Trump, refusing to let them in. When I read that, I immediately thought that trans activists, at least, act not like refugees, but like colonisers and invaders, replacing laws with new ones (like what is citizenship based on if it is no longer on being born female), forcibly altering language (menstruators etc.), rewriting history (transing famous dead women) and, in general, taking over wherever they can do so (women's sports, liberal feminist organisations, what used to be women's studies departments).

I still think this is true, as trans men don't cause any waves in the Men's Country where they, indeed, do behave like refugees, just trying to fit in without asking that native men should be called penis people etc. But you do have a point in that many transitioning men do seem to act like tourists and never really learn what the natives' lives are like, picking only the bits that look like fun from the outside.

Also, it's true in a different sense, because the effects of estrogen therapy on men is much more easily and rapidly reversed than the effects of testosterone therapy on women, with the exception of possible breast development. So without surgery the transitioning experiences for female and male people are rather different in their permanent effects, though we might not yet know of all the longer-term medical effects on either group.

( neonbandit )
Refugees?! The Martyrdom complex never ceases to astonish. They're not refugees, they're tourists or at best obnoxious ex-pats who come over with all their (male) privilege and entitlement like a wealthy digital nomad giggling at how cheap everything is (for them earning US wages).

( IrishTheFrenchie )
Just noticed you said the same thing i did. TIMs are colonizers.



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