Medeea Greere #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy #mammon

The political landscape of America stands at the precipice of an unprecedented transformation. As the nation grapples with its current leadership, whispers of a monumental event have begun to circulate, a scenario known as “CASTLE ROCK.” This event promises to shake the very foundations of governance, spotlighting President Biden’s administration and shifting the tides of power dramatically. As tensions mount, the military prepares to step in, ready to overturn the election results, and restore Donald Trump to a heroic status—a savior in the eyes of his supporters.
Amidst the political upheaval, a major event unfolds—a [FAKE] global war scenario designed to activate militaries worldwide. This simulated conflict serves a dual purpose: to prepare the global defense apparatus and to create a smokescreen for the real events transpiring behind the scenes. In real life, the police and court systems will rule the land, but with a twist.
When Q Said “Do Anons Know What Is About to Be Unleashed”. The enigmatic figure known as Q predicted an unparalleled unleashing of events, and this is it. Dog comms, grounded planes and trains, power switches to Tesla Free Energy, and the bombing of 34 satanic buildings and dams mark the beginning. Bitcoin servers are turned off, erasing 99.5% of crypto, particularly China coins. The world is thrust into a WW3 scare event with nuke sirens blaring, a water event, stock market crashes, and global martial law.
CASTLE ROCK Scenario: Quantum Systems and Project Odin. The CASTLE ROCK scenario comes into full play with the activation of Quantum Systems and Project Odin. NESARA/GESARA and the RV unfold, flipping the election via FISA military courts, leading to military tribunals, confessions, and a ten-day movie revealing the inauguration. This event brings about a return to 1776 principles, reversing the 1871 Act of England and the Balfour Declaration, and activating all militaries under the CASTLE ROCK scenario.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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