various commenters #transphobia #enbyphobia
N.Y. Hospital Stops Treating 2 Children After Trump’s Trans Care Order - The New York Times
( limoncello )
"Gender-affirming care." 0 for 3 there. I'm not holding my breath on seeing it properly called child sexual mutilation but I cannot WAIT until their preferred euphemism stales into "gender intervention treatment" or some mealy-mouthed slop.
( carbon0va )
This headline is constructed to push the idea that a negligible number of kids are getting this treatment. You have to read deeper to start seeing the truth:
A pediatrician at the state-run University Hospital of Brooklyn, Dr. Birnbaum said he saw roughly 75 trans patients, including many teenagers.
75. One doctor.
Who also said this:
“I’m willing to go to jail to continue to provide your care,” Dr. Jeffrey Birnbaum said he had been telling his young trans patients and their parents since the executive order.
🙄🙄🙄 Go then. It is where adults who mutilate children belong.
( DurableBook )
Wow, and here I was happy with the two. Two kids spared chemical castration. Two kids given a reprieve, however temporary, from the current lobotomy fad being inflicted upon the nonconforming.
Here's hoping it is a lot more. And here's hoping that Dr. Birnbaum's name is forever recorded along such greats as Walter Jackson Freeman II and Carl Clauberg.
( hard_headed_woman )
Non-binary bullshit?
Seriously, one of these kids identifies as non-binary?
( Lipsy )
Lots of the underage Girls who've had Their breasts hacked off have been "nb".
Could even be a majority, just because there are so many more "nb" than "trans men".
( hard_headed_woman )
I just can't imagine a parent letting a child destroy her body for "non-binary." What a freaking fad.