
C.T. #racist #wingnut chechar.wordpress.com

[From "On Satan buffs"]

‘America will become so weak’, said Mauricio this morning, ‘that its only card left to play in the Hegemony game will be its nukes. And when the nukes start flying, to paraphrase Vikernes, Life will have a new meaning’

Those who have read Covington’s futuristic novel ["The Brigade" by H.A. Covington] will remember that, in the race wars, the US would commit terrible blunders by putting primitive Blacks and wise Latinas in command. A once-powerful but wounded beast can become very dangerous. I have often thought that a bitch like AOC in power wouldn’t hesitate to, say, try to implement a no-fly zone in a war like the one we are witnessing, or even use nukes if the likes of Golden Dawn were to reach power in Europe after the collapse of the dollar[…]
Changing subjects, yesterday I criticised Anglin for his pious mention of the god of the Judeo-Christians but today I would like to say that, regarding Satanism, I completely agree with him. Anglin wrote today:

Atomwaffen was publicly exposed–mostly by me–as a literal satanic death cult[…]

If what Anglin says about animal sacrifice is true, what would Savitri say (cf. my other entry of the day)? For context to the debate between Satanist racists and saner folk see an exchange, on this site, from two years ago as a result of my post ‘On the Atomwaffen Division’

C.T. #racist #wingnut #psycho chechar.wordpress.com

[From "A cute postscript"]

I would like to add a postscript to Mauricio’s words in ‘Responding to Jamie’. There is a litmus test I have devised to see who has, or has not, transvalued his values

Imagine a scenario analogous to The Turner Diaries where revolutionaries come to have control over nuclear missiles in a silo, and use them to create global chaos and, thus, eventually come to power. But before the thought experiment of this entry I would like to answer the question, Why is chaos necessary to come to power?#
If in a moment of social chaos a submarine with nuclear weapons were to fall under our power, I wouldn’t hesitate for a second to use all its missiles to nuke the capitals of the West and its major cities, starting with those of the United States and its lackey in the Middle East (naturally, Chinese cities and Mecca would be nuked too, lest Gooks and Muslims become emboldened and take advantage of the situation)

To show you the level of my morals—that is to say how the priest understands the four and fourteen words—, even if one of my brothers happened to be in one of those cities I wouldn’t hesitate in the slightest to push the buttons

And this is my litmus test: Who among those commenting on racialist forums would do the same if a submarine with nukes fell under his power for a couple of days? I guess that none of them would. And if there is anyone who would, please tell me in the comments section, because this is a great Gedankenexperiment to find out who has left Christian morality behind

Sith Religion Award

Let the hate flow through you

Mauricio #racist #psycho chechar.wordpress.com

[From "Responding to Jamie"]

You need to transvalue your views on Hate and War

Hate is a source of pure, raw power. The best source of Power

Aryans need to re-learn how to tap into that source and use it effectively to destroy their enemies completely, forever

It should be obvious by now, that in order for Aryans to continue to exist, all other human races have to die

Seven billion humans must be exterminated. There is no other way

And to accomplish that enormous, herculean, multi-generational task, the Aryan Man must adhere to a religion of infinite Hatred

The Aryan Man must become a remorseless, relentless, genocidal mass-murderer of non-Whites and White traitors, or he will cease to exist; or Beautiful Eyes will disappear forever

Therefore he must wage War against Non-whites mercilessly

War is Chaos, and Chaos is Nature’s way of determining who is Strongest

Hatred is Strength, and Strength is Power

To win the War, Aryans must religiously Hate their non-Aryan enemies enough to carry out a Hundred Year Race War of Extermination of 7 Billion. Infinite Hatred

Kill all sub-humans until there is no more dark skin and dark eyes on this Earth

I can’t explain it any simpler than this

Blood Purity will bring the ‘End of Unnecessary Suffering’

Anything else will inevitably lead to the extinction of White Beauty.

Anything else means Whites were not fit to exist

Mauricio #dunning-kruger #racist #conspiracy #wingnut chechar.wordpress.com

[From "Two thousand years together!"]

Who is worse, the drug dealer or the drug addict?

When you have a people who have become so dependent on this egalitarian worldview for so many centuries, and failed every single opportunity to break off this addiction, it starts to look like the drug dealer is just doing business, and the drug addict has an incorrigible deathwish

One could write a history of White decline called ‘Two Thousand Years Together’

It’s Whites who like to get high on slave morality. They’ve been getting higher and higher on this Christian drug ever since Constantine

They’ve finally overdosed in 1945, and now the White race is lying comatose on a hospital bed full of Jewish doctors, lucid-dreaming about a perfect world full of brown people

Nature has tested Whites’ spiritual resilience to a poisonous mental software, and they’ve failed repeatedly. The jews were merely the vector for that poison. Time for the final verdict: genocide

Had the Third Reich survived, it would’ve brought a superior human race to this world—the Ubermensch—which would be practically immune to this mind poison; then the drug-dealing jew would have to peddle his pity-loving bullshit elsewhere
It will take a catastrophe of unforeseen magnitude—and centennial duration—for the white human to stop pitying the angry brown subhuman mass that wants to kill him

Abhor pity towards mankind – four words of Savitrian wisdom

C.T. #wingnut #conspiracy #racist chechar.wordpress.com

[From "Good Christians"]

The apoplectic left is choking on their own saliva—including Fox News (they’ve always been phoney traditionalists)—because Putin has defecated on American superbia (‘Nobody invades countries but me…’). Here’s another quotable quote by Nick Fuentes: ‘I for one am glad that Putin is standing up to Washington DC. Fuck the State Department, fuck the Pentagon, and fuck NATO!’ (see again our previous link from Fuentes here)

Someone with far more media audience than Fuentes in Eastern Europe, Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill, has endorsed Putin’s vision on Ukraine. According to him, ‘the West essentially organises genocide campaigns against countries that refuse to stage gay parades’. Unlike these good Christians, neither normies nor most white nationalists are getting the historical significance of the Ukraine war

If Putin wins it’ll be the biggest setback for the anti-white project we’ve suffered since the defeat of Nazi Germany. With the Russian-Chinese alliance (one flaunting the atomic missiles if the anti-white West wants to attack, and the other the economic muscle), the interregnum that started in 1945 will be over and the dream of Fukuyama, winning using ‘soft totalitarianism’, will evaporate like morning dew in the sun

And soon the petrodollar will evaporate as well…

C.T. #racist #elitist #wingnut chechar.wordpress.com

[From "Putin’s show"]

The West’s Darkest Hour does not comment on the news unless one of them changes the course of History

Reading the US racial timeline made me think of something. In that country, the bad guys always won the most important wars

In the American Revolution [url=https://chechar.wordpress.com/2017/08/23/racism-is-evil/the English should’ve won[/url], as they believed in hierarchy and aristocracy. Egalitarianism, even among white man and white man, is toxic to the sacred words and lends itself to what Alexis de Tocqueville saw early on: it is a cancer whose metastasis demands more and more equality

Thus, in the American Civil War the bad guys won again, and this time the race factor (metastasis) was introduced

And let’s not talk about the Second World War and its child: today’s Anti-white Cold War when the final metastasis has taken over almost the entire American body
Because of those wars that have marked Western history (remember that the French revolutionaries who [url=https://chechar.wordpress.com/2013/10/20/march-of-the-titans-29/guillotined blond aristocrats[/url] were inspired by the American revolutionaries), the US has been the spearhead of an egalitarian crusade throughout the West[…]Anything that leads to the dollar being repudiated as the reserve currency must be good news[…]The sanctions that the Biden administration is applying to Russia will only bring the US closer to what we have been predicting since 2011: the dollar will collapse

That doesn’t mean I like Putin, who just said he is invading Ukraine to ‘denazify’ it[…]It’s the North Americans—I include the silly Canadians—who, at present, suffer from anti-white psychosis[…]not the Russians

C.T. #racist #psycho #dunning-kruger #wingnut chechar.wordpress.com

[From "Reply to Franklin Ryckaert"]

Hi Franklin,

I am pleased to see you commenting here once again. Although it seems an obvious contradiction what you tell me—:

So you are proud of your ‘exterminationism’, but at the same time you keep on complaining about the crimes of the Allies against Nazi Germany and about cruelty against children and animals. Is that not a contradiction?

—there really isn’t

Have you read what I say in the fourth of my eleven books about pre-Columbian Mesoamerica and the clash of psychoclasses with the Europeans that destroyed it?[…]They explain the difference between ‘unnecessary suffering’ and ‘necessary suffering’
From the point of view of the priest of ‘the four words’ (‘eliminate all unnecessary suffering’), the Carthaginians and their culture had to be exterminated so that those Semites would not be roasting their children alive[…]My exterminationist passion has to do precisely with compassion for those who suffer, especially animals and children at the mercy of human monsters, and the draconian measures that must be taken to save them from such unnecessary suffering
Otherwise, those Semites might even now be burning their children alive. On the other side of the Atlantic, the Mesoamerican civilisation, which lasted three thousand years, was fortunately destroyed by the Europeans. But even before the Mesoamerican civilisation, the Peruvian Indians committed atrocious human sacrifices
It all has to do with the distinction between necessary suffering (the Spanish Conquest made some Amerindians suffer, although it saved others) and unnecessary suffering (e.g., it’s unnecessary to martyr cows at the slaughterhouses). It may seem paradoxical, but my exterminationist passion has to do with my compassion for those who unnecessarily suffer because of others

C.T. and Michael Sugrue #racist #crackpot chechar.wordpress.com

[From "Nietzsche for dummies"]

History professor Michael Sugrue is a normie who reproaches Nietzsche, using Newspeak terms such as ‘anti-Semitism’, ‘racism’ and ‘misogyny’. But his speech could be useful for other normies who would like to be introduced to Nietzsche’s philosophy

After the 22nd minute of the above-linked speech, Sugrue said something very profound that is worth mentioning. I would paraphrase it thus:

Aryans are natural-born killers who have a natural desire to achieve power—will to power—; dominate other peoples even if that causes pain in the conquered. What happens when you frustrate this desire, for example when natural-born killers obey New Testament-derived ethical injunctions originally authored by Jews (Christians, secular westerners and even white nationalists follow Christian ethics)? Something happens in their collective unconscious. ‘When people are frustrated in that desire’, says Sugrue, ‘the consequence of that is that they decide to start imposing that pain upon themselves’—that is, Christian ‘consciousness’ or ‘guilt’

I would call it self-loathing to the point of ethnic suicide. The tragedy of the Aryan people, so well portrayed in Sugrue’s words, can be analogised to what I have said about depression (see pages 45-60 of my book Daybreak), and Colin Ross’s lecture on the aetiology of mental disorders (see pages 33-38 of Day of Wrath)

C.T. #elitist #sexist #racist #wingnut chechar.wordpress.com

[From "Liberalism as a heretical movement"]

Yesterday I changed the subtitle of this site by replacing the word ‘fourteen’ with ‘sacred’. Thus I also include the four words (to understand the latter the visitor would have to familiarise himself with my eleven books). Yesterday the thought also came to me that liberalism, which is now in its final metastasis in all former Christian countries[…]is ultimately a heresy
The Christian notion of the equality of men in the eyes of God was transformed, after the American and French Revolutions, into the equality of men under the law. After the defeat of Nazi Germany, this was transmuted in the US into equality for blacks and women; and, in the new century, into using the power of the State to denigrate the white male and achieve—at last!—equity

The secular psychosis of today’s world only affects those countries that were once traditional Christian. Ethno-suicidal liberalism doesn’t affect the billions under Islam, the Chinese regime or the Indian people who still embrace Hinduism. However, that doesn’t mean that the Catholic Church is legitimate. It means that a heretical faction of traditional Christianity, insofar as it secularised the gospel message (i.e., secularised the inversion of values in the New Testament), has taken root in all former Christian countries

I have already discussed this in ‘On empowering birds feeding on corpses’ which can be read on pages 181-184 of [i]Daybreak[/i]. But my initiative to call ‘heretics’ secular liberals, whose most extreme form today are the ‘woke’ people, came to me yesterday. That, heretics, is what they really are. The image of St. Francis is explained in the referenced article from Daybreak: a book which, by the way, remains unavailable in printed form as we haven’t raised the funds to solicit the services of a printer that won’t deplatform us

C.T. #racist #dunning-kruger #sexist chechar.wordpress.com

[From "On IQ studies"]

It’s true what Jared Taylor and his group say about IQ differences between races. But I have long been thinking that these studies are biased towards certain intellectual abilities
The problem with IQ studies is that they measure a part of intelligence, but not all of it. Those who have read the neurologist Oliver Sacks will know that, for a long time, neurology studied the left hemisphere of the brain to the detriment of the right hemisphere
It isn’t credible that Asians are about five points higher than Aryans while the latter are much more creative, and Asians merely imitate what whites have come up with. It is obvious that something huge is missing in the IQ studies

I think it is precisely judgement[…]that is missing from the ‘hemiplegic’ approach, so to speak, in IQ studies
If we take judgement in conjunction with the values measured by conventional IQ tests, pre-Christian Aryans would rank above not only Asians, but Jews themselves. It was Christianity that literally drove us mad
In his most recent article, for example, in which he discusses the IQ difference between men and women, Devlin is quick to add that women[…]outperform us linguistically and in other faculties
In a text I also picked up in On Beth’s Cute Tits, Anglin tells us: ‘What I am “claiming”[…]is that women have no concept of “race”, as it is too abstract for their simple brains. What they have a concept of is getting impregnated by the dominant male’
A typical conservative would never talk like that since bourgeois codes of conduct[…]oblige him to be nice to everyone present, ladies included
IQ studies are very limited. They only measure part of intelligence. If whites could get the monkey of Christianity off their backs, they would be the most intelligent subspecies of Homo sapiens on the planet

I.N. #racist #psycho #homophobia #wingnut #dunning-kruger chechar.wordpress.com

[From "First 2022 post"]

Hello Mr César. First of all, allow me to express my deep gratitude for feeling that my comment from exactly a year ago deeply resonates with you. It is an honour
I hope this comment grants me access to your select group of SS-like Seers[…]and zealots devoted to the manifestation of our pure and unquenchable desire to watch or at least contribute to the eventual absolute and uncontested domination of the Aryan superman over the entirety of this globe
A future in which energy consumption from a constantly growing and mentally passive and incompetent population of shitskins (that can barely function in their day to day lives without big state welfare at our expense or grasp rudimentary concepts, much less work) exceedingly supersedes the rate, the percentage and the quantity of the extraction, distribution, availability and affordability of rapidly depleting natural resources, is unsustainable and falls into the realm of childish science-fiction
Non-Nordic so-called ‘whites’ must accept that they are nothing more than stepping stones for Nordids and failed test subjects in this most intricate experiment called Life that evolution has chosen to discard
As for homosexuality, Himmler aptly addressed this matter in his speech dissecting this pathology and linking it with the chastity of the Catholic clergy
Sooner or later, all other hominid subspecies, even those that have common enemies with us or have forged uneasy alliances with whites in the past like Palestinians, Syrians, Iranians and Japanese respectively, are to be sacrificed at the altar of the doctrine of utter exterminationism like you espouse Mr César
Whites should honour and pay tribute to their heroes and forefathers[…]and strive to surpass them[…]Adolf Hitler was right and if the West refuses to accept this fact it will sooner or later be annihilated

Mauricio #wingnut #racist #psycho chechar.wordpress.com

[Comment under "Reflections of an Aryan woman, 59", about Savitri Devi defending the Einsatzgruppen]

“War is in itself the negation of any anthropocentric faith or philosophy”

Sometimes you read a wise definiton that connects loose ends in your mind, and things become much clearer. Savitri was an amazing woman. Had she been a contemporary, you and her would have made great pen pals

“The tragedy of greatness is to create new life by treading on corpses”

It is only a tragedy if the corpses are White! The death of (sub)human Life that strays from the divine prototype, is a blessing. By bringing Death to all those worthless Slavic mongrels, the Einsatzgruppen were creating new, better Life. White Nationalists need to stop imagining their heroes as good little jew-obeying boy scouts

If we review Savitri’s reflections in this entry, along with your best phrase of this year, “The right way to love women is to implement justice, like the Day of the Rope; the rest is silence”,
we can see how the mentality of a Fourteen-Words Priest resonates deeply with that of a Viking from the Dark Ages

In the first chapter of Beowulf, on king Hrothgar’s mead hall:
“In that towering place, gabled and huge,
Hrothgar sat, waiting for Time to pass; for War to begin!
For the meaning of Life is War,
and Love is a Blade entering the enemy’s Corpse.”

C.T. #racist #crackpot chechar.wordpress.com

[From "‘Philosophy’"]

Keeping in mind what we said yesterday about the pretentious academic profession called ‘philosophy’, I remembered a passage from my book El Grial that is worth translating into English:

I treasured one of the most popular philosophical dictionaries in the Spanish language: that of the Italian philosopher Nicola Abbagnano[…]I looked up the word ‘Racism’ and was in for a surprise. After a good introductory paragraph, Abbagnano wrote the most propagandistic falsehoods one can imagine, breaking even the tone of his usual academic prose. We mustn’t forget that Abbagnano finished writing his dictionary in 1960, when the West knew nothing about the Third Reich except Allied propaganda
Abbagnano writes as if the Jewish problem were hallucinatory: a German prejudice[…]When Abbagnano was in his prime, Jews were over-represented not only among Lenin’s willing executioners, but the civic associations that lobbied to open the doors to mass non-white migration to the United States were Jewish
Racism was not Hitler’s invention. All that the Germans of the century in which Abbagnano and I were born did was to provide racism with the scientific basis, and the political impetus, that such a healthy instinct required
If there is one thing that raciology, the study of human races, teaches us, it is that genetic differences between humans are determining factors in social differences
Any honest Italian can see that the mixed people of Sicily with the Turks in the south belong to an inferior culture than the whiter Italians in the north of the peninsula. And let us not speak of how, by interbreeding with Indians and blacks, the Iberians produced an inferior stock to their Anglo-German counterpart north of the Rio Grande

C.T. #sexist #crackpot #racist chechar.wordpress.com

[From "Violating the first guideline"]

I published the first guideline I came up with for a ‘New Aryan code’, which can be summed up in these words ‘Thou shalt only speak to Aryan males’
Ever since my sister got very upset with me when I tried to defend Richard Wagner against the accusations she had been taught at school about Wagner’s attitude to Jews, an argument that ended when my sister not only walked out of the family room but told her teenage son to go with her so as not to listen to me, I had promised myself never to sit with them again

And I kept it: not even at Christmas did I sit with my family

But even the priest falters when he lives among little women. Not long ago[…]standing in the kitchen she advised me to go back to school. Since[…]I didn’t sit at the table, I made the mistake of telling her why that didn’t make sense (can you imagine me in a woke university?)
Because I didn’t give an inch to the grotesque advice to go back to college, she was so offended with me that she didn’t speak to me for the next few days!

But the fault was mine
I published ‘Best Russian film’ about Andrei Rublev

A masterful scene that perfectly portrays the psychology of women. I mean when a Russian girl, after the Tartars destroyed her village and horribly tortured some male villagers (one had liquid metal poured into his mouth with a funnel), still willingly gave herself up to one of the polygamous Tartars!
Her nature is simply to go with the strongest
Among the racialists only Andrew Anglin and Roger Devlin[…]know the nature of women. The problem with the conservative Devlin is that, as a typical American conservative, he is so feminised that he cannot see that only a revolution à la The Turner Diaries could save us

C.T. #racist #sexist #wingnut chechar.wordpress.com

[From "Spanish-speaking ‘conservatism’"]

Compared to the neighbouring country to the north, I consider Latin America the continent of the blue pill. There is nothing in MSM that resembles, say, Tucker Carlson. One has to search social media to find the voice of an Argentine, Agustín Laje, and his YouTube channel: a kind of Latin American Tucker who in the Spanish-speaking MSM would be inconceivable
Vox is a Spanish political party founded in late 2013. Its president is Santiago Abascal. Vox is the party of the right in Spain: a more conservative right than the caricature that the Republican Party has become in the US today

But Vox’s folk, Laje and the new Spanish-speaking right are limited to criticising the third feminist wave. Although the Spanish and Latin American media call them ‘ultra-rightists’ and fachas (fascists), they are actually progressive. Their criticism of feminism is not radical at all. Like Andrew Anglin, we not only reject the third wave that Vox rejects, but the first and second feminist waves, as can be seen in the sidebar book on Beth’s pretty boobs

The pendulum has swung so much to the left that liberals such as Argentina’s Laje and Márquez, and those of Spain’s Vox party, are seen as conservative. They are not
The so-called conservatives are liberals, and this applies not only to Vox and Laje but to Tucker and Sean Hannity (the latter interviewed a transexual man not long ago). There are no exponents of true conservatism in the media, neither in the English-speaking world nor in the Spanish-speaking world. And by the way, we are not conservatives but racists

C.T. #racist #crackpot chechar.wordpress.com

[From "The French and the Swede"]

Yesterday I mentioned Kevin MacDonald’s article in which he was trying to understand a series of tweets from white Americans celebrating that they will become a minority in their country. The phenomenon of white ethnosuicide is too large for the professor, who, like the vast majority of white nationalists, believes that the JQ is the primary factor of Aryan decline

As we know, I don’t think the JQ is the primary factor. Having lived for more than half a century in the largest metropolis in Latin America, I can’t believe in the JQ every time I go out on the street, as the horrendous miscegenation was perpetrated by the Spanish when the Inquisition, which existed in the centre of the city, protected society from crypto-Jews. It’s obvious that what happened in the Americas was ethnosuicide, caused by a Catholic (i.e., universalist) worldview about the races
Westerners are so plugged into the matrix of Christian ethics—atheists included—that they are unable to see that putting man at the centre of the universe has been a historical outrage, from all angles
Although the trauma model of mental disorders aims to decipher the mental illness of a disturbed individual, we could analogise this phenomenon to a whole demented age; let’s say, how the Romans committed cultural suicide by embracing Christianity, the ‘Aryan apocalypse’
Currently that apocalypse is repeated, but this time it is focused against the white race. Just as it is possible to interpret the disorder of a subject based on his abusive childhood, it is possible to interpret the neurosis, and even psychosis of an entire race, based on its buried history
The mind of blacks and mestizos is easy to understand: they are simply moved by an inferiority complex versus the Aryan. Jews are more complex, although MacDonald’s trilogy deciphers their psychology

C.T., Adunai and Robert Morgan #racist #wingnut #psycho chechar.wordpress.com

[From "Adunai vs. Morgan"]

I’ve been watching the recent discussion between Adunai and Robert Morgan in the comments section of The Unz Review. Morgan seems to hold a classic view of Christianity: the one I held before reading a conservative Swede in Gates of Vienna. Now I see that Christianity is not just its dogmatic part, let’s say, what we who were Catholics used to hear during the Creed on Sundays
The above is the dogmatic part that not all westerners believe now. But Christianity is also the axiological part, what we have been calling Christian ethics. And from this angle westerners continue to be Christians. As Adunai summed it up in his discussion with Morgan: Christianity, in essence, means not the number of priests ordained: but the number of niggers loved

This means that secular, atheist or agnostic whites continue to be Christians[…]The axiological part of Christianity (secular neochristianity I call it) is today in its red giant phase: incinerating, with its suicidal ethics, the nations that used to be traditional Christian

It was not Darwin, or the revolution of ideas that started 1789, as Morgan seems to believe, what marks real apostasy. Adunai is right that Hitler was the first one who tried to transvalue Christian values back to pagan times (see also our ongoing translation of Savitri Devi’s book). This is our litmus test: If you are willing to do something similar to the Nazis’ Master Plan East, then you have left Christianity behind

Otherwise you’re a fucking neochristian

C.T. #wingnut #racist chechar.wordpress.com

[From "Intelligent Christians unconsciously know"]

As we saw recently in one of Savitri Devi’s texts, it was precisely the Jews and intelligent Christians who understood that National Socialism was the paradigm that would replace the old one, which is why Jews and Christians (the latter are artificial Jews) feared it so much

In my own journey, it was a discussion thread in Occidental Dissent that woke me up to the question of the historical Hitler, as opposed to the Hitler of the dogma of our times
Ten years ago I wrote:

Last year I received my first lesson on the “H man” in a blog that does not promote him at all (Occidental Dissent: here). On the contrary, most OD-ers believe that any mention of NS Germany in WN circles is a non-starter
I witnessed for the first time in my life a vigorous exchange that would be unthinkable in other blogs, let alone in the MSM.

The discussion ended in a sort of draw or stalemate when a Jewess intervened with silly posts, but I learnt more in a couple of days than what I had previously learned about NS by reading books, or watching the History Channel

Alas, the editor of Occidental Dissent, Brad Griffin, deleted that article, published on the Führer’s anniversary in 2010 by one of his close associates: an article titled ‘Open thread – Adolf Hitler’

I mention this because the redpill that began to wake me up to the real world regarding Uncle Adolf was deleted by the same editor of one of the most popular sites of American white nationalism
As Thomas Khun said, paradigms are not destroyed: they are replaced. Intelligent Christians know that National Socialism can potentially replace Christianity as the Weltanschauung of the white race, and along with the Jews in the MSM they, even today’s racialists, strive so that this won’t happen

C.T. #wingnut chechar.wordpress.com

[From "Only for hatred’s sake…"]

Savitri was devastated by the defeat of Germany in World War II. In June of 1945, near Varkala on the Malabar Coast, she resolved to kill herself by walking into the ocean

But when the water was up to her shoulders, suddenly the Life Force stirred within her. A thought flashed through her mind like lightning. It was a command: live! Live to bear witness to the truth. Live to see the day of vengeance, when the victors of 1945 are hurled into pits. Live to say, ‘I told you so!’

As Savitri put it in a letter to George Lincoln Rockwell dated 28 August 1965, ‘I walked out of the sea for the sake of that future possible enjoyment, and for that alone, and started living without hope, only for hatred’s sake’

C.T. #racist #wingnut #sexist #conspiracy chechar.wordpress.com

[From "Little fags"]

The images of the Taliban capturing Kabul cannot help but make me think of the more than pathetic state of the Aryan man throughout the entire West. Instead of doing the same in the capitals of their respective nations—reclaiming them from governments that want to genocide Aryans—they behave like ultra-feminine, battered and submissive women, including white nationalists

We can already imagine warriors like the Aryans of yesteryear, but now with rockets on their backs like the Taliban freedom fighters, triumphantly entering the great capitals of Europe, Australia and North America to reclaim their nations… and their Sabine women! But no: the little fags of today have already chosen the extinction of their race…

An Indian kid, like the one Savitri Devi said a few words about in my previous post (read the passage around ‘The Führer would be very surprised if he knew how to interpret his doctrine in the Halls of Calcutta!’) grasped historical reality. Aren’t Aryan males of today ashamed before this brown kid?

C.T. #fundie #racist #psycho chechar.wordpress.com

[From "Panentheism"]

In the article about Savitri Devi’s wise voice, Krist Krusher commented

One problem that I have with pantheism is, that if the universe itself is god, then would that mean insects, faeces and non-whites are also part of god?
I was personally a little disillusioned when I read Who We Are and found that Pierce, using his Comostheistic logic, ‘deduced’ that even Negroes were in a way brothers to Whites!

Evolutionists say that all creatures are connected by a common ancestor. As repulsive as it is, even spiders and we have a common ancestor
Divinity is obviously noticeable in some aspects of Nature such as trees[…]But side by side there are real monsters in Nature

My solution at the end of From Jesus to Hitler is exterminationism. Either way, Nature is the greatest exterminationist in the universe[…]Getting rid of obsolete species is critical to Kalki, a subject in which Savitri Devi was utterly wrong in some passages of Impeachment of Man. Naively, she idealised all animal species. Instead, we want to exterminate most of them
If the Cro-Magnon exterminated the Neanderthal, all the more should we exterminate the primitive versions of Homo sapiens. This is not contradicted by panentheism. On the contrary: it is an essential part of the evolution or phenomenology of the spirit

C.T. #racist #psycho #conspiracy chechar.wordpress.com

[From "America delenda est"]

To save the white race, the United States, a country based on Christian ethics, must be destroyed. This was not seen by even the best men the US has produced, such as Rockwell and Pierce. Although both have been guiding spirits for this site, I now see that, by making concessions to Christianity in his second novel, where a Christian preacher appears almost as a saving hero, Pierce ‘cucked’ at the CQ

I’m afraid to say that I was wrong and old Sebas was right. In 2015 I said: ‘The huge difference between Hitler and Pierce, and white nationalists, is that virtually all of them cannot break away from the grip of Christian axiology, atheists included’
By now it should be obvious, more than obvious in fact (just see what’s been going on in there), that the US is the spearhead in the Western project to exterminate the White Man. The obsession of the American white nationalists with the Jew is deciphered when we understand that they see the straw in another’s eye and not the beam in their own
In the real world, an exterminationist Organization that conquers the whole world, as the one that appears in The Turner Diaries, would only be possible if Americans apostatised from Christianity, secular Christianity and transvalued all its values. And as old Sebas said, the chances of that happening are virtually zero, even among so-called American neonazis

C.T. #sexist #wingnut #crackpot chechar.wordpress.com

[From "Preface to our next book"]

As a Sanskrit saying goes, from the corruption of women all evils follow. And as I have shown in many articles on my website The West’s Darkest Hour, feminism goes hand in hand with a thoroughgoing feminisation of the Western male. Both are two sides of the same coin: a folie en masse that has been destroying the fair race throughout the West. Feminism’s third wave began with the sexual revolution of the 1960s that has caused the disintegration of the family and the fall in birth rates due to the emancipation of women from all family responsibilities. But in this compilation we will also talk about the first and second waves, which explain the third and which long precede what happened in the 60s

Feminism, ‘the great destroyer’ as William Pierce called it in an interview abridged for this book, has been corrupting whites ever since Nietzsche complained that Europeans were beginning to abandon the institution of marriage. George Lincoln Rockwell said something similar in a passage of one of his books, also reproduced here. Today’s suicidal ethos among whites cannot contrast more with the pamphlets that the SS gave to its soldiers so that they could procreate abundantly with their wives or Aryan lovers
Instead of National Socialism what we see in the United States is a small group of diligent pro-white advocates often referred to as white nationalists. Rarely do their proponents declare intellectual war on feminism
This book comprises eleven texts, of which I am the author of the first

C .T. #wingnut #racist #dunning-kruger chechar.wordpress.com

[From "Derbyshire’s blindness"]

‘For the future of our civilisation’, John Derbyshire wrote in an article published yesterday, ‘I would like to see a task force—a Manhattan Project—of historians, psychiatrists, neurologists, behavioural geneticists, quantitative psychologists, sociologists, and anthropologists get to work explaining this strange, weird, suicidal phenomenon’ (white ethnosuicide).

Derbyshire is blind of course, inasmuch as he doesn’t want to see the elephant in the room. See what Robert Morgan answered him today: Christian ethics alone is the culprit. You don’t need a Manhattan Project of so-called ‘specialists’ to see the obvious!

C .T. #wingnut #sexist chechar.wordpress.com

[From "April 20 gift"]

The best gift I received yesterday, on the Führer’s anniversary day, were the fifteen booklets I had requested from Third Reich Books: most of them authored by SS men. Although the publishers have been deplatformed by banks that issue credit cards, it’s still possible to acquire them

In my previous post I reported the poison that the most successful series on television put us. What Himmler wrote inside the front cover of the original German booklet is the perfect antidote
The translation was published under the title SS Man, Be Fruitful. But the original title Sieg der Waffen—Sieg des Kindes (Victory of the Arms—Victory of the Children) better reflects the content. Nothing can be more antithetical to the ethno-suicidal feminism of television than the simple message of this brief pamphlet, packed with photographs.

A year ago I complained that the sites of white nationalism didn’t pay tribute to the birthday of the Führer. This year I didn’t want to inquire if the same thing happened yesterday. It is time to dismiss what is written in the US to find out what was written in these booklets available in several languages: here.

am commandor #psycho #wingnut chechar.wordpress.com

[On why he doesn’t like Hitler]

Failed to burn a single Church and failed to hang a single priest?


Started WW2 by foolishly attacking Poland when the only thing he had to do was to wait a century until the Christians degenerate into sodomite liberals?


Tried to make piece with Anglos and Jews in 1940?


Started total war two years after foolishly attacking Russia and after Stalingrad?


This is the best man in western history? No wonder the white race is finished.

C.N. #racist #wingnut chechar.wordpress.com

[From "Byzantine discussions about Roe v. Wade"]

The expression Byzantine discussion means a useless discussion in which each side can never succeed in proving its assertions to the opposing side[…]
Without rejecting the theological presuppositions of Christianity, white intellectuals wasted their intellect in completely useless discussions, and precisely because of their inability to apostatise[…]
The same can be said today when we look at the forums of white nationalism. On the hot topic, Roe v. Wade, one of the leading nationalists on the Christian side said yesterday: ‘Some White Nationalists would do almost anything except convert to Christianity and have kids to return to those demographics. Human sacrifice sure isn’t moving the ball’. His secular counterpart, who in my eyes is a typical neochristian, wrote in his webzine: ‘I believe that White Nationalism is completely consistent with respecting the rights of other human beings. We can’t just murder millions of people because it is convenient. That may be fine for liberals, but the New Right occupies higher moral ground’[…]
For the Nazis, abortion of Aryans was forbidden and only abortion of non-Aryans was legal. The Christianity and neochristianity of the white nationalists discussing the implications of Roe v. Wade these days is patent in that they are incapable of thinking like them[…]
If we follow in the footsteps of the leading philosopher of a post-1945 National Socialism, Savitri Devi, we would no longer even think as the Nazis thought about abortion in public before the Second World War. Now our values system must emulate what Himmler said in private regarding his Master Plan East. American racialists, whether Christian or secular, are light-years away from this way of seeing things. We need young people who are capable of shattering the Tablets of Stone currently followed by both Christian and secular racialists in America

esotericisms, Jack Halliday and Joseph Walsh #racist chechar.wordpress.com

[Comments under "Jared vs. Jew"]

@Jack Halliday


Seeing as we appear to be the topic of discussion here:
I am a member of AWD and we ARE in fact serious.

Wait a minute. You are a long time commenter here, right? That means that Cesar and the ideology of this blog really is having some serious influence with serious people. This is excellent news.

The AWD is not in Britain, but we appear to have the System Resistance Network, which from what I can tell, is inspired by James Mason and the AWD. Though I am more inclined to be sceptical about these groups, as up to this point, they have been talk talk talk.

Please, don’t mess this up, don’t be another Order, another Eugene Terreblanche. If we lose now I don’t think we will have another chance. For the love of all things holy – don’t rock the boat. Sink it this time. Be the iceberg.

I think you would need a total 3000 members to rape the System. What would you say to that?

Posted by Joseph Walsh:

There is an organization in Britain called Woden’s Folk which believes the leader Hitler prophesied he was paving the way for will appear in England. But before you write them off, remember the plan of the SRN appears to be to wait for the “inevitable” racial holy war lead by the Great White Leader Kalki who will lead the Last Battalion of Aryan warriors to victory over the hordes of untermensch.

So a lot of the strategy appears to be wait around until Kalki shows up. But Kalki might never show up and our race will simply go extinct. Time is running out, especially in the USA where Whites are a minority now or soon will be, and the only ‘plan’ there seems to be Harold Covington’s Northwest Front and the mass Alt-Right LARPing about an ethnostate. There’s AWD but they seem too small in number to affect change though I hope they can do something.

Posted by esotericisms:

Forgive my late response, I rarely get time to check notifs.
For one, yes, I am a long time commenter and Cesar’s writings have influenced my thought greatly.
Also, SRN is affiliated with AWD and I’ve spoken to their members, as far as I can tell they do take Siege to heart and are at the very least influenced by it to a significant degree, though I’m not sure if that’s official dogma.
As for the three thousand men I would agree completely. The real problem as of now is the many people who ‘support’ us but would not in a million years join.
These people are mostly Christians, of course.

Posted by Jack Halliday:

What problem do these cowardly whites present? How much of a burden will they be in preventing armed revolution?

The solution I see to this is “the frail whites will serve as prey to the Aryan predator.” Numbers don’t matter, just willpower and resources (guns, knives, bombs).

Mauricio #racist #psycho chechar.wordpress.com

How “woke” are you?

Level 1:
– Nadzees are evil, Democracy is good.
– Jews are Holocaust survivors.
– Christianity is for idiots.

Level 2:
– Nazis were misled by an anti-semitic demagogue.
– The Holocaust MAY be false.
– Christianity is ‘okay’.

Level 3:
– Germans were fighting against Zionists.
– The Holocaust is false, Zionism is evil.
– Christianity is good.

Level 4:
– White Nationalism is good.
– Jews are evil.
– Christianity is a White religion.

Level 5:
– National Socialism is good.
– America is evil.
– Christianity has been corrupted by Jews.

Level 6:
– National Socialism is the only solution.
– All nations are evil.
– Christianity has always been a Jewish Psy-op.

Level 7:
– White segregation is the only solution.
– Modernity is evil.
– Anti-Christian Paganism is good.

Level 8:
– There are no political solutions.
– Civilization is evil.
– Blood and Soil is the only true religion.

Level 9:
– Non-white exterminationism is the only solution.
– Most Whites are not true Whites.
– All Whites are spiritually flawed.

Level 10:
– 10% of Whites are true humans, and must survive.
– 90% of Whites are defective humans, of which 50% must die (males).
– 100% of non-Whites are sub-humans, and all must die.

Personally I’m a level 9, verging on level 10.
I’ve met some level 4’s, and only a few level 5’s.
The leap from 5 to 6 is astronomical due to the Xtian malware rejection.
Feels lonely sometimes.

Chechar #racist chechar.wordpress.com

Over the internet boards I find it bothersome when typical neonazis demand that I dismiss the Holocaust stories as hoax; and that if I fail to do it my morals are beyond the pale.


I am in my middle fifties now and don’t have the time nor the motivation to research the Holocaust claims and counter-claims. For me it is enough to point out that two former Holocaust revisionists, Mark Weber, the director of the Institute of Historical Review, and David Irving, the famed historian of the Third Reich, have changed their minds over the years, both accepting now that a few millions of Jews probably died during the war. According to an email of March 16, 2014 sent to me by Irving himself, his book on Herr Himmler will be released later in this year. Irving’s forthcoming book quotes historical records proving that, even though the six-million figure is an invention, a few millions of Jews probably died as a result of harsh Nazi treatments.

But I would like to go beyond the scruples of our best historian in the field. Joseph Walsh recently stated in my blogsite that “The Truth is that the glad stirrings of genocide lurk in the heart of every man, yet only the Nazis had the courage to acknowledge the Truth.” Panina, a Swede that in 2012 used to comment in my blogsite, went even further


It must be comical for the Nietzscheans of the North that, unlike the monocausalism ubiquitously present in the neonazi and white nationalist movement, Himmler acknowledged other factors: “Our people’s thinking was misled by the forces of the Church, Liberalism, Bolshevism, and Jewry.” And let us never forget Hitler’s own words in one of his table talks: “The heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity.” If neonazis were true Nazis and had transvalued Christian/Neo-Christian values they would be trying to demonstrate that Himmler’s Posen Speech in 1943 is genuine, not a hoax as they claim, and even find genocidal inspiration from the speech.

Of course: they will never do it because all of them are Neo-Christian pseudo-Nazis. Speaking with a little humor I would say that neonazis, white nationalists, and American southern nationalists subscribe what we may call the Harry Potter approach to the Jewish problem. Throughout those novels for children, the female author presents us a Harry who never uses “Avara Kadavra,” the killing spell against the bad guys; Harry only uses the disarming charm, “Expelliarmus.” But only in novels and movies for kids the good guys, who never are depicted as cold assassins, can win. In real life you have to make a transition to the dark side to become a soldier.


I have read The Turner Diaries twice. When I read it for the first time, or rather listened the audio version with Pierce’s own voice, I was still struggling with the last remnants my Neo-Christian programming. I didn’t like the Breivik-like cruelties: for example the killing of an innocent black—the first killing of the novel—or the dispatching of an entire group of pro-white warriors for not taking care of the Jewish problem in Toronto. And in the novel’s Day of the Rope I was troubled by the description that many innocent young women also die. Then I read most of Covington’s Quintet and sensed a moral difference. Covington’s characters are not so bloodthirsty, not so genocidal exterminators. I could imagine myself doing the things in Covington’s novels but in the past some passages of the Diaries made me wonder—

But now that I have definitively left behind Christian axiology I can see that Pierce was ultimately right. As NS soldiers in the coming racial wars, altogether imbued in the martial qualities of gravitas and severitas, we must behave. The huge difference between the Quintet and the Diaries is that in Pierce’s world not only an ethno-state is born: in the final pages it’s described that only the white race shall inherit the Earth.


Covington does not believe that millions of Jews died as a result of harsh treatment by the National Socialist Germans. Unlike Panina, Walsh and a few others, he is still stuck in Neo-Christian values. (I would dare to say that the stirrings of genocide should lurk in the heart of every transvalued white, which means accepting as grim necessity what seventy years ago happened to the subversive tribe.)

Chechar #racist chechar.wordpress.com

The newspaper The Mirror reported that four young males of Seaham in Durham, England, between seventeen and twenty raped, tortured and murdered Percy: a bunny that, in the picture you can see on the internet with the naked young, looks identical to my pet, who is now an adult rabbit.

They tried to shave Percy, set her alight, tried to drown her and then threw her still alive from the window. The human monsters, all white, even filmed with a cell what they did: a video that the owner of the bunny (also white) could not see when the police arrested the perpetrators; just a still picture to identify the missing pet. The punishment for this crime was insignificant in today’s Britain. I would have ordered torture—exactly what they did to the rabbit—and then throwing them out the window to let them die in agony lying on the ground (tit for tat). In fact, if by some miracle of fate an extraterrestrial force had empowered me like a Karellen on my recent trip to the UK, I would have done it already.

We must remember that, had the Anglo-Saxon demons allowed Germany an empire from the Atlantic to the Urals, in areas under the Nazi flag the torment animals would have slowed considerably. Personally, I consider Hermann Göring my patron saint: and he should also be the patron for those who yearn for a world free of such abuses of human power. Never forget the caricature of 1933 on how freed animals—no more vivisection! no more animal testing!—salute their savior Hermann.


Unlike my beloved Nazis, in both DW and my blog in English I talked about what the non-Nazis are capable to do with defenseless animals. [...]

Although what those evil humans in Durham did was condemned by other English, so-called normal people do not stay behind. Human beings whom I consider exterminable are capable of pouring concentrated solutions for days in laboratory rabbits, and to prevent they close their eyes they fasten their lids with tongs! (How many women are unaware that their cosmetics are experimented such way—) This happens now with the blessing of society precisely because World War II was won by the wicked. Few know that in 1944-1947 the Soviets, Jews and Americans practiced a holocaust of Germans, the “Hellstorm” preventing inter alia that the benign policies of Hermann, who had saved our cousins in the brief historical window represented by the Third Reich, were implemented in the post-war West.

The philosopher of science Thomas Kuhn used the optical illusion of the duck-rabbit to show how a “paradigm shift” makes you see the same information in a completely different way. If westerners had not passed through a brainwashing process, instead of seeing a duck (the Nazis were evil) they would see a rabbit (they were actually good!).

Chechar #racist chechar.wordpress.com

[The Mexican Nazi blogger Chechar details his unsucessful attempt to move to the UK ...]

On August 4, 2014 I arrived to London in the hope of moving to a small town in the United Kingdom in order to save my life once Mexico City catches fire after the looming collapse of the dollar.

One of the smartest commenters on my blog, whom I will call “the Brazilian,” had promised, through his contacts, forged work permit so I could look for a job in England. Throughout the two years I interacted with him in the blog and then thru personal communications, this guy reiterated that he wanted to help me to move there, and when in early 2014 he indeed moved to England I thought his plans were sincere.

The man is the result of a mixture between the races of his homeland, Brazil. He himself confessed publicly that his ancestors were Iberians, blacks and mestizos. [...]

Later in this chapter I will talk about some “Creole nationalists”—Mexicans that show off their Iberian roots and claim to have no drop of Indian blood—with whom I interacted in Mexico. The Brazilian’s intelligence had so impressed me that I told these Creole nationalists that my Brazilian, “mulatto friend has an IQ of 140.” [...]

The Brazilian’s intellectual acumen, along with my huge need to escape Mexico, made my defenses down and I trusted him to the extent of deferring to his judgment my first steps to immigrate. I refer not only to the steps to obtain forged documents but also to roommate concerns. [...] The Brazilian even offered to pick me up at Heathrow Airport outside London; by telephone he informed me that he would not go to work the Monday I arrived to pick me up.

I thanked him and my flight arrived on time. After exiting from the immigration line, where obviously I hid the British woman who interrogated me that the purpose of my trip was to immigrate, I was surprised that the Brazilian was not there. [...] I badly needed to leave the soulless airport lounge and go to the hotel I had booked and even paid from Mexico. But the Brazilian did not appear. With the heavy suitcase I carried—suitcase to emigrate, not for tourism—I could not even move at ease in the terminal. [...] It must have been about two to three hours after the plane landed that the Brazilian finally appeared, without apologizing for the delay.


He said that instead of going to my hotel, why not accompanying him to the slum hostel where he was living these days. They only charged £60 per week and although his roommates were black—that is, three blacks slept in a single room, beside the Brazilian—, it was only for a week while the better place he had reserved for us would be vacating. The Brazilian had a small back suitcase containing his laptop. He dared not leave it in the hostel with such hosts and carried it every time he went out.

Go figure my dear readers— All of my travel strategy had been based on a bloke that, now I realized, was on the verge of homelessness as he had to carry his belongings in the street for fear of loosing them in a “hostel” without lockers. Had I not been so obfuscated by the turn of events I would have stopped dry the adventure that very instant. But cognitively I was not well. In fact, I was completely alienated. True: I had prepared with extreme meticulousness everything left in Mexico—my library, my manuscripts in ring-binders and envelopes sealed against moisture (I thought I wouldn’t be back in years), the taking care of my pet and even a big farewell party for all believed I would leave for good—, but about my stay in England I had deferred all planning to “the mulatto of 140 of IQ.”

[...] I knew that in the white nationalist movement there were people with terrible character flaws. But the fact that the Brazilian seemed a hybrid between mestizo and mulatto was no reason to distrust him, as he believes in the “fourteen words” to the extent of having promised not to leave offspring. (Remember the first lesson to the Hitler Youth of Faith and Action by Helmut Stellrecht: “But if your blood has traits that will make your children unhappy and burdens to the state, then you have the heroic duty to be the last.”)

Unfortunately, character flaws can be hidden over the internet. And as in Mexico I only had considered the intellectual aspect of this bloke [...] in a state of complete cognitive alienation to what was happening I agreed to his idea to abort the journey to my hotel and go to his hostel.

I would lie if I lay the blame at the Brazilian. Now that I’m out of the UK I find it obvious that the planning of my trip was grotesque, to say the least. “The drowning will grab at straws,” and the urgency of leaving a Neanderthalesque Mexico and survive the dollar collapse was such that I put aside from my consciousness basic matters I should have contemplated at my age, before venturing on another continent.

[...] We descended into a densely populated and very noisy area of London; streets swarmed with lots of blacks. To my surprise, the Brazilian told me to wait because he was going to find a toilet.

Lo and behold I was once again alone among human swarms with my heavy suitcase and no sleep! [...] In that hideous swarthy-filled street, and carrying something less than £2,000 in cash along with my credit cards, a black approached me. I didn’t understand a word. Scared and carrying the heavy suitcase I entered a grocery store but the attendants were not white either. My anxiety was very obvious until the Brazilian reappeared [...]

At last we initiated conversation on topics that fascinate me. I told him that I had seen some mixed couples in London and was greatly surprised that there were so many blacks. He replied that it was a punishment to the English for having waged war against Germany, and added that Nazi Germany was by far the noblest creature that European history had produced. Then he said he did not understand how Americans like Matt Parrott insist on mixing the unmixable: Christianity with white nationalism.

It was not until we reached his quarters that I received the biggest shock of the trip. It’s true that in 1982 I had spent a night in London in a spacious room of a Youth Hostel; a room with many beds. But back then they were all European Aryans; I, the only foreigner. I was twenty-four and, coming from Mexico, was amazed at how good looking some of those English were (in the country where I was born almost all seemed Neanderthals to me). But now I was in 2014, and the all-encompassing social engineering of the British elites in recent decades, that is, replacement of the native race by imported race, had been a success. The Brazilian’s room was not spacious as the hostel I had slept decades ago. It was of regular size with the most miserable niggers you might think of. In fact, in no way it resembled a hostel but one of those trash-people rooms subsidized by charities for the homeless in large metropolis. But they were not homeless: they were blacks surviving, I suppose, from the same type of underemployment of the Brazilian.

I barely saw the spectacle and wanted to run away. On the street the Brazilian insisted that I should pay the £60 for the week. It was already night and he claimed he was tired and that we should think things over the next day. I didn’t know what to do. I had to cancel the hotel reservation so that it was not charged to my American Express, but there were no public telephones in the neighborhood. I tried to get information in a grocery store that opened at night, but they were immigrants who hardly knew English and were unaware of the dynamics of the big city. Not even the Brazilian could tell me what was, in England, the telephone equivalent to 911 so that, through his cell phone, I could make a call. [...]

As there was no one to help me, not even a taxi to get on in those streets, and as I was worried that in that colored neighborhood I could be assaulted and my money taken away (for my heavy suitcase I was an obvious target), I agreed. I reentered the “hostel,” paid the administrator of the slum the £60 he demanded, and walked into to the room of blacks and the mulatto Brazilian.

But I could not sleep— Although I had not slept the night before I was in a state of extreme anxiety.

I went out to the hostel’s terrace and finally I saw a white man. He was also an immigrant. He didn’t have fluent English and told me he was from Romania. As it had happened to me decades ago in the same city, as I newly arrived from Neanderthalesque lands I was pleasantly surprised by the looks of the blond Romanian. I spoke with him in the fresh night but not for long. He was not very smart and I also felt a little cold in the outdoors terrace. (I had left the plane with my jacket, shirt and dress pants but had not changed my clothes; one of the blacks that tried to sleep in the dirty room, where my cloths were, had warned me not turn the light on.) [...]

I don’t remember the exact moment when the Brazilian told me that the police had arrested his contact—the very contact that was supposed to get me the papers. He did not say whether he had been arrested the day before or the day I arrived at Heathrow. But I doubt that, if the story is true, it was such a recent event. Chances are that the arrest had occurred long before—which means that the Brazilian had not warned me on time, when I was in Mexico. Had I been informed on time I would have aborted any plan to cross the Atlantic!

The events yelled at me that the trip had been in vain. By not having warned me in time of the arrest the Brazilian had committed a trick of confidence. However, even though that day the Brazilian confessed that he was desperately seeking a decent roommate, I failed to suspect that behind his convincing me to come to London a sinister motive was hiding. The crux of his confession was that his old roommate was a black homosexual whose conduct had caused the Brazilian to flee from there and move to the seedy hostel (where we were now).

I am ashamed to say that even with all this novel information I was slow to connect the dots that such insistence that I go London had not been motivated to help me, the word he used several times but to help himself in his problems with blacks. The underlying motivation of Brazilian seemed to be: “Unlike this nigger, blogger César, who comes from an educated family and whose parents have three pianos at home and five servants, will be my personal savior.”

Such naiveté!: In Mexico I had only imagined a Brazilian full of honor, insofar he vehemently insisted he did not plan to reproduce even after finding a woman in England (remember the wise counsel of Helmut Stellrecht for non-whites). But in London he told me that even before his “racial awakening”—something unheard of in a man of color—he had come to the firm conclusion that he would not leave descendants in Brazil. It was not until I assimilated even more painful confessions than that of the “gay nigger”—for example, that the day prior to my arrival the Brazilian had been wandering at London’s downtown because he could not remember where he lived, and that he drank alcohol to cope with his pathetic life—that I began to glimpse who he really was.

The trip had been a fraud. My purpose had never been crossing the ocean to help a mulatoid fellow to find a roommate—but looking sanctuary for me in a small English village with no coloreds to survive the dollar collapse! [...]

But back to my sleepless night.

My mattress had no sheets. I had no choice but to put my white skin in contact with a mattress that must have suffered a thousand sweats from blacks. Even in such conditions I tried to sleep with the four darks of the room. My anxieties and a disagreeable negress snoring inches from me on the top bunk—the pseudohostel was so abhorrent that not only races mixed, but the very sexes too—didn’t let me sleep—

But with the dawn I regained my senses. In the morning, with several guests already waking up on the terrace, including some I had not seen the previous evening, the Brazilian insisted I opened a bank account and said that another of his contacts worked in a bank (by law, tourists cannot open accounts in the UK). Perhaps that employee even knew, the Brazilian told me, another person to obtain work permit.

But I had lost confidence in him. The second night of consecutive sleeplessness I had talked to another night bird, Stuart, who lived there in another room and used to talk to the Romanian during the evenings on the terrace. His accent was not British. Stuart was born in Scotland and raised in New Orleans. As the Brazilian, Stuart had been so badly beaten by life that he had fallen to the pseudohostel. We spoke of my racial ideas and this young man conceded that in New Orleans blacks had behaved very poorly during hurricane Katrina. He was not bothered, though somewhat surprised, about my overtly racist worldview and I asked him what was the whitest city in Scotland. He said that Perth and his hometown, Dundee. He added that the beautiful town of Perth was ideal for retirees (i.e., for people like me had I arrived with the proper funds to buy a modest house).

I made my decision. That morning I was not going to endure a single minute of a “hostel” which did not even have showers for bathing. The blacks woke up and put their filthy music we all heard over the terrace. I told the Brazilian that I would go to Scotland. He was surprised but, by seeing my resolution, walked along with me to the outskirts of the metro station. We said goodbye and never met again.

[Chechar soon returned to Mexico]