I Can't See a Way Forward Without a Patriarchal, White Nationalist Christian Nation. Can You?
Patriarchy is a counter to the effeminacy that is plaguing society. It leads to purpose, happiness and fulfilment, something this matriarchy does not lead to.
White Nationalism counters the racial divide in order to promote unity.
Traditional Christianity (not modern woke secular humanism masquerading as Christianity) promotes an ideal objective moral code upon society to combat the evil and degradation in society.
Combined together is the ideal society for our people.
I Can't See a Way Forward Without a Patriarchal, White Nationalist Christian Nation. Can You?
I say what shy said.
I’d love these weirdos to explain… in detail… what it is about stuff that is “matriarchal” that they hate and what is it about the patriarchal that is somehow better than matriarchal.
Why is one gender principle seen as better than the other and why?
Frankly, a society should be balanced. Masculine & Feminine are two equal opposite halves of a whole… although the amount of each varies from person to person.
I Can't See a Way Forward Without a Patriarchal, White Nationalist Christian Nation. Can You?
I Can't See a Way Forward With Such a Thing. And all the people like me who are murdered for no good reason by your stupid patriarchy would probably agree.
Patriarchy is a counter to the effeminacy that is plaguing society. It leads to purpose, happiness and fulfilment, something this matriarchy does not lead to.
And effeminacy is a bad thing because...?
Anyway, all the women who you force into servitude would probably disagree that there is any purpose, happiness, or fulfillment in this stupid dumb patriarchy of yours.
White Nationalism counters the racial divide in order to promote unity.
Yeah, right! White nationalism needs the racial divide, like a fire needs oxygen. And when your unity includes only the would-be masters and not the slaves, I don't think it can be called unity.
Yeah. Well, you had that with the ultra-misogynistic Proud Boys & Fundie Groypers.
They sure were 'United' behind a Pussygrabber-in-Chief, eh...?!
Since several months after the foundation of what could have potentially been: certainly immediately after Charlottesville, you've been nothing more than Pout Boys and 'Y' bother following a pussygrabber, eh Gropers ?! Yeah.
You, the latter, were just one letter removed from one: in more ways than one.
Chrissy 'Crying Nazi' Cantdoverywell. Richard 'Punchable Nonce' Spencer reduced to trying to be Biden's Bitch: that 'joke' tactic blowing up in its face. Andrew 'Filipino Jailbait' Anglin. Milo 'Paedophile' Yiannopoulos.
That's a moral basis for White Nationalists, amirite...?!
The only thing divided is you .
So, you can't stand to share power with women, or anyone that isn't white AND uptight about it, immigrants, or anyone that worships a god in a way different from yours. Even if it's the same God.
Just go ahead and admit you're scared of being treated the way you've treated women, minorities, muslims. You know, revenge?
But you'll be fine, idiot.
Thry just don't care that much about you.
Combined together is the ideal society for our people.
what the literal fuck? No. I mean, yeah I would agree with that, on it’s face, but that’s literally the one thing you guys DONT WANT.
<@KeithInc. > #97456
What “gets” me is that they never considered that if they wised up then those other groups would have no reason to take revenge.
It’s the same logic behind the Aunt Lydias, Uncle/Aunt Ruckuses, etc. of the world; Why change the system when can just find away to get ahead with the status quo by putting one’s own under the bus?
Folks like this suffer from a severe lack of vision.
In their world, Black is White, Up is Down, Short is Long, Backward is Forward and Truth is whatever TDF has the most to gain from.
Patriarchy is a counter to the effeminacy that is plaguing society
Tell us, apart from giving rights to women, how is the present society “effeminated”?
White Nationalism counters the racial divide in order to promote unity
“Unity” against the so-called lesser races , of course.
Traditional Christianity (not modern woke secular humanism masquerading as Christianity) promotes an ideal objective moral code upon society to combat the evil and degradation in society
And I’m sure the “Traditional Christianity” of a Reformed Netherlands, Catholic France, Lutheran Germany and Orthodox Russia were vastly different, without accounting for intra-sectarian differences (I’m sure a French Catholic and an Italian Catholic might have light differences).
Oh right, and was not your mother both matriarchal and effeminate? Or does the obvious answer to that invalidate your privilege.
But, to answer your question, yes I Can See a Way Forward Without a Patriarchal, White Nationalist Christian Nation (You didn’t need to capitalise half of those words, this isn’t German class). It’s called the 21st Century or the 3rd Millennium - I suggest you get with it.
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