The current insane language of the Left is that it is "gender-affirming therapy" to tell a little girl that she is a little boy, but "conversion therapy" to tell a little girl that she is a little girl. Which makes a mockery of language, science, and logic.
...and when a previous Prime Minister disagreed with what you think: even with the backing of no less than the Church of England who also have clergy peers in that place of lawmaking to make what you want illegal here in Britain, what say you Benny-boy?
Especially as how Theresa May Not agree with - thus destroy - your 'argument' by the fact that she is a Conservative .
Didn't see her (un)successor Bozo the now Dead Clown doing anything about that, either: nor is Liz Surgical Truss.
No, it isn’t. Also, no one is telling children anything. This is ridiculous and I wish the right would stop saying this. You all know it’s a lie. Children go to an adult they trust, tell the adult they feel like they’re different in whatever way and then hopefully the adult responds in what is a supportive manner. But no one is telling children anything. Get that out of your stupid heads!!!
As usual, bullshit, it's not about telling them who they are, it's about accepting who they are. Projection, because you would like to dictate and impose who they are or what they can/cannot do.
“Which makes a mockery of language, science, and logic”. No, that’s your forte.
Teaching obvious trans kids to accept themselves is different to the way you people always portray it.
Ben Shapiro
Reporting from the parallel world where…
…deviant adults pick out random little children and start repeatedly telling them they’re trans.
…instead of the US and Canadian dollars, it’s the North American Cake. 1 Cake = 100 cookies.
…Adolf Hitler got accepted into art school and became an artistic painter. Joseph Goebbels became Nazi dictator.
…Rocky Balboa is a real person, who became a famous boxer.
…somewhere, someone really is claiming they regulary get visited by the Loch Ness monster, which asks them for ‘tree fiddy’.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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